srvctl start_执行命令ls>c

srvctl start_执行命令ls>c==查看数据库信息srvctlconfigdatabase-dorcl-a==数据库随CRS启动而启动srvctlenabledatabase-dorcl==禁止服务在某个实例上运行srvctldisableservice-dorcl-sservicename-iorcl1srvctlconfigservic

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srvctl config database -d orcl -a


srvctl enable database -d orcl


srvctl disable service -d orcl -s servicename -i orcl1

srvctl config service -d orcl -s servicename -o orcl2


srvctl remove service -d orcl -i orcl1


srvctl start database -d orc

srvctl start database -d orcl -i orcl2 -o nomount/mount

srvctl stop instance -d orcl -i orcl2 -o immediate

[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl status scan -i 1

SCAN VIP scan1 is enabled

SCAN VIP scan1 is running on node juliaz3

[root@juliaz3 ~]#

[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl status diskgroup -g sysdb

Disk Group sysdb is running on juliaz2,juliaz3

[root@juliaz3 ~]#

[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl stop database -d orcl

[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl status database -d orcl

Instance orcl1 is not running on node juliaz2

Instance orcl2 is not running on node juliaz3

[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl start database -d orcl

[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl stop database -d orcl -o immediate

[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl start database -d orcl -o mount

[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl status database -d orcl

Instance orcl1 is running on node juliaz2

Instance orcl2 is running on node juliaz3

[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl start database -d orcl -o open   /*在已经mount的时候不能进一步open了,功能不够强大啊

PRCR-1004 : Resource ora.orcl.db is already running



1.DNS 或/etc/hosts


以上可以通过srvctl 和oicfg完成

rac中客户端通过VIP 11.2后可以vip或scan访问数据库。在不停止数据库的情况下对vip进行修改。


[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl config vip -n juliaz2
VIP exists.:juliaz2
VIP exists.: /juliaz2-vip/
[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl config vip -n juliaz3
VIP exists.:juliaz3
VIP exists.: /juliaz3-vip/
[root@juliaz3 ~]# 



参考书上的命令行不通,可以用srvctl stop service -d orcl -n juliaz2

[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl stop service -d orcl -s orcl -n juliaz2
PRCR-1001 : Resource ora.orcl.orcl.svc does not exist


[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl stop vip -n juliaz2
PRCR-1014 : Failed to stop resource
PRCR-1065 : Failed to stop resource
CRS-2529: Unable to act on '' because that would require stopping or relocating 'ora.LISTENER.lsnr', but the force option was not specified

[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl stop vip -n juliaz2 -f
[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl status  vip -n juliaz2
VIP juliaz2-vip is enabled
VIP juliaz2-vip is not running


[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl modify nodeapps -n juliaz2 -A

[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl start vip -n juliaz2


[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl status vip -n juliaz2
VIP juliaz2-vip is enabled
VIP juliaz2-vip is running on node: juliaz2

网上找来的可以了通过stop nodesapps 来停服务,记得修改/etc/hosts。

[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl stop nodeapps -n juliaz2
PRCR-1065 : Failed to stop resource
CRS-2529: Unable to act on '' because that would require stopping or relocating 'ora.LISTENER.lsnr', but the force option was not specified
PRCR-1014 : Failed to stop resource
PRCR-1065 : Failed to stop resource
CRS-2529: Unable to act on '' because that would require stopping or relocating '', but the force option was not specified

[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl stop nodeapps -n juliaz2 -f
PRKO-2426 : ONS is already stopped on node(s): juliaz2
PRKO-2427 : eONS is already stopped on node(s): juliaz2

[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl status nodeapps 
VIP juliaz2-vip is enabled
VIP juliaz2-vip is not running
VIP juliaz3-vip is enabled
VIP juliaz3-vip is running on node: juliaz3
Network is enabled
Network is not running on node: juliaz2
Network is running on node: juliaz3
GSD is disabled
GSD is not running on node: juliaz2
GSD is not running on node: juliaz3
ONS is enabled
ONS daemon is not running on node: juliaz2
ONS daemon is running on node: juliaz3
eONS is enabled
eONS daemon is not running on node: juliaz2
eONS daemon is running on node: juliaz3
[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl modify nodeapps -n juliaz2 -A
[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl start  nodeapps  -n juliaz2
[root@juliaz3 ~]# 

11.2中,scan是oracle推荐使用的ip地址,客户端应用程序通过scan,可以把请求轮流发送到各个节点上。scan代表的是一个整个集群,这个scan可以被映射成一个或者多个ip地址,通过scan可以实现客户端访问负载均衡。 首先要保证scan所对应的名称和ip地址记录在dns中,能够通过nslookup解析。

[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl config scan
SCAN name: juliaz-cluster, Network: 1/
SCAN VIP name: scan1, IP: /

[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl status scan -i 1
SCAN VIP scan1 is enabled
SCAN VIP scan1 is running on node juliaz3
[root@juliaz3 ~]#  
[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl stop scan -i 1
PRCR-1065 : Failed to stop resource
CRS-2529: Unable to act on '' because that would require stopping or relocating 'ora.LISTENER_SCAN1.lsnr', but the force option was not specified

[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl stop scan -i 1 -f
[root@juliaz3 ~]# srvctl modify scan -n rac-clusster
PRCS-1016 : Failed to resolve Single Client Access Name rac-clusster
[root@juliaz3 ~]# 



[root@juliaz3 ~]# oifcfg getif
eth0  global  public
eth1  global  cluster_interconnect
[root@juliaz3 ~]# 


参考 大话 oracle RAC

oracle RAC实战指南刘宪军–不错的一本书

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