

大家好,又见面了,我是你们的朋友全栈君。如果您正在找激活码,请点击查看最新教程,关注关注公众号 “全栈程序员社区” 获取激活教程,可能之前旧版本教程已经失效.最新Idea2022.1教程亲测有效,一键激活。

Jetbrains全系列IDE使用 1年只要46元 售后保障 童叟无欺






第二步:因为有些代码里面可能需要根据主机名称来去本地的DNS里找对应的IP地址,由于本地的DNS配置中没有指定主机名这个IP地址是什么,也就会提示无法连接或者连接超时,打开终端输入命令cat /private/etc/hosts,如下图:


然后编辑主机配置,增加主机名的映射,输入命令sudo vi /private/etc/hosts,进入VI编辑器(i进入编辑模式),写如下代码:



和你当前网络的IP(因为有的人可能连接的别的设备等)        你的主机名称


然后输入刷新命令dscacheutil -flushcache





errno0 :     Success

errno1 :     Operation not permitted

errno2 :     No such file or directory

errno3 :     No such process

errno4 :     Interrupted system call

errno5 :     Input/output error

errno6 :     No such device or address

errno7 :     Argument list too long

errno8 :     Exec format error

errno9 :     Bad file descriptor

errno10 :    No child processes

errno11 :    Resource temporarily unavailable

errno12 :    Cannot allocate memory

errno13 :    Permission denied

errno14 :    Bad address

errno15 :    Block device required

errno16 :    Device or resource busy

errno17 :    File exists

errno18 :    Invalid cross-device link

errno19 :    No such device

errno20 :    Not a directory

errno21 :    Is a directory

errno22 :    Invalid argument

errno23 :    Too many open files in system

errno24 :    Too many open files

errno25 :    Inappropriate ioctl for device

errno26 :    Text file busy

errno27 :    File too large

errno28 :    No space left on device

errno29 :    Illegal seek

errno30 :    Read-only file system

errno31 :    Too many links

errno32 :    Broken pipe

errno33 :    Numerical argument out of domain

errno34 :    Numerical result out of range

errno35 :    Resource deadlock avoided

errno36 :    File name too long

errno37 :    No locks available

errno38 :    Function not implemented

errno39 :    Directory not empty

errno40 :    Too many levels of symbolic links

errno41 :    Unknown error 41

errno42 :    No message of desired type

errno43 :    Identifier removed

errno44 :    Channel number out of range

errno45 :    Level 2 not synchronized

errno46 :    Level 3 halted

errno47 :    Level 3 reset

errno48 :    Link number out of range

errno49 :    Protocol driver not attached

errno50 :    No CSI structure available

errno51 :    Level 2 halted

errno52 :    Invalid exchange

errno53 :    Invalid request descriptor

errno54 :    Exchange full

errno55 :    No anode

errno56 :    Invalid request code

errno57 :    Invalid slot

errno58 :    Unknown error 58

errno59 :    Bad font file format

errno60 :    Device not a stream

errno61 :    No data available

errno62 :    Timer expired

errno63 :    Out of streams resources

errno64 :    Machine is not on the network

errno65 :    Package not installed

errno66 :    Object is remote

errno67 :    Link has been severed

errno68 :    Advertise error

errno69 :    Srmount error

errno70 :    Communication error on send

errno71 :    Protocol error

errno72 :    Multihop attempted

errno73 :    RFS specific error

errno74 :    Bad message

errno75 :    Value too large for defined datatype

errno76 :    Name not unique on network

errno77 :    File descriptor in bad state

errno78 :    Remote address changed

errno79 :    Can not access a needed sharedlibrary

errno80 :    Accessing a corrupted sharedlibrary

errno81 :    .lib section in a.out corrupted

errno82 :    Attempting to link in too manyshared libraries

errno83 :    Cannot exec a shared librarydirectly

errno84 :    Invalid or incomplete multibyte orwide character

errno85 :    Interrupted system call should berestarted

errno86 :    Streams pipe error

errno87 :    Too many users

errno88 :    Socket operation on non-socket

errno89 :    Destinationaddress required

errno90 :    Message too long

errno91 :    Protocol wrong type for socket

errno92 :    Protocol not available

errno93 :    Protocol not supported

errno94 :    Socket type not supported

errno95 :    Operation not supported

errno96 :    Protocol family not supported

errno97 :    Address family not supported byprotocol

errno98 :    Address already in use

errno99 :    Cannot assign requested address

errno100 :   Network is down

errno101 :   Network is unreachable

errno102 :   Network dropped connection onreset

errno103 :   Software caused connection abort

errno104 :   Connection reset by peer

errno105 :   No buffer space available

errno106 :   Transport endpoint is alreadyconnected

errno107 :   Transport endpoint is notconnected

errno108 :   Cannot send after transportendpoint shutdown

errno109 :   Too many references: cannot splice

errno110 :   Connection timed out

errno111 :   Connection refused

errno112 :   Host is down

errno113 :   No route to host

errno114 :   Operation already in progress

errno115 :   Operation now in progress

errno116 :   Stale NFS file handle

errno117 :   Structure needs cleaning

errno118 :   Not a XENIX named type file

errno119 :   No XENIX semaphores available

errno120 :   Is a named type file

errno121 :   Remote I/O error

errno122 :   Disk quota exceeded

errno123 :   No medium found

errno124 :   Wrong medium type

errno125 :   Operation canceled

errno126 :   Required key not available

errno127 :   Key has expired

errno128 :   Key has been revoked

errno129 :   Key was rejected by service

errno130 :   Owner died

errno131 :   State not recoverable

errno132 :   Operation not possible due toRF-kill

errno133 :   Unknown error 133

errno134 :   Unknown error 134

errno135 :   Unknown error 135

errno136 :   Unknown error 136

errno137 :   Unknown error 137

errno138 :   Unknown error 138

errno139 :   Unknown error 139

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【正版授权,激活自己账号】: Jetbrains全家桶Ide使用,1年售后保障,每天仅需1毛

【官方授权 正版激活】: 官方授权 正版激活 支持Jetbrains家族下所有IDE 使用个人JB账号...



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