pycharm和anaconda区别_python init

pycharm和anaconda区别_python initIcurrentlyhavePycharm5.0.4rightnowandmyteacherwantsmetochangetoAnaconda.DodifferentGUIsactuallyaffectyourprogramming?WhatarelibrariesandwhatcausesoneGUItobemoreadvanced…

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pycharm和anaconda区别_python init

I currently have Pycharm 5.0.4 right now and my teacher wants me to change to Anaconda.

Do different GUIs actually affect your programming?

What are libraries and what causes one GUI to be more advanced than another?

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I am a beginner at python and I’m not sure if Pycharm is best for me… For beginners is Pycharm still the best?


PyCharm is a IDE, anaconda is a set of libraries (a distribution). The good news is that pyCharm supports anoconda. Below is some documentation I pulled from the Wayback Machine (for some reason Anaconda removed their documentation on integrating with Pycharm). If any part of this is outdated, please let me know so I can update it.

Use PyCharm’s Preferences to set it to use Anaconda. There are multiple methods to access the Preferences Window, including selecting Preferences within the PyCharm file menu or by clicking the Preferences icon in the top icon bar.


After the Preferences window is open, navigate to Project Interpreter -> Python Interpreters. Click on the + sign to add Anaconda to the Python Interpreters list.


If the Anaconda Python path is not listed, select Local… and navigate to the directory in which you installed Anaconda Python. Typically this directory is ~/anaconda/bin/python.

After you have added Anaconda, you will see it displayed in the list of Python Interpreters, along with the other packages that were installed with it. Click OK. The PyCharm IDE is now set up to use Anaconda.

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