Spring源码 – 核心接口FactoryBean「建议收藏」

Spring源码 – 核心接口FactoryBean「建议收藏」Spring源码-核心接口FactoryBean

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Spring源码 – 核心接口FactoryBean

Spring版本:Spring 5.3.13-release


# 1、核心接口FactoryBean



public interface FactoryBean<T> { 

	/** * The name of an attribute that can be * {@link org.springframework.core.AttributeAccessor#setAttribute set} on a * {@link org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanDefinition} so that * factory beans can signal their object type when it can't be deduced from * the factory bean class. * @since 5.2 */
	String OBJECT_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE = "factoryBeanObjectType";

	/** * Return an instance (possibly shared or independent) of the object * managed by this factory. * <p>As with a {@link BeanFactory}, this allows support for both the * Singleton and Prototype design pattern. * <p>If this FactoryBean is not fully initialized yet at the time of * the call (for example because it is involved in a circular reference), * throw a corresponding {@link FactoryBeanNotInitializedException}. * <p>As of Spring 2.0, FactoryBeans are allowed to return {@code null} * objects. The factory will consider this as normal value to be used; it * will not throw a FactoryBeanNotInitializedException in this case anymore. * FactoryBean implementations are encouraged to throw * FactoryBeanNotInitializedException themselves now, as appropriate. * @return an instance of the bean (can be {@code null}) * @throws Exception in case of creation errors * @see FactoryBeanNotInitializedException * @see FactoryBean#isSingleton() * @see org.springframework.beans.factory.support.DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry#singletonObjects */
	T getObject() throws Exception;

	/** * Return the type of object that this FactoryBean creates, * or {@code null} if not known in advance. * <p>This allows one to check for specific types of beans without * instantiating objects, for example on autowiring. * <p>In the case of implementations that are creating a singleton object, * this method should try to avoid singleton creation as far as possible; * it should rather estimate the type in advance. * For prototypes, returning a meaningful type here is advisable too. * <p>This method can be called <i>before</i> this FactoryBean has * been fully initialized. It must not rely on state created during * initialization; of course, it can still use such state if available. * <p><b>NOTE:</b> Autowiring will simply ignore FactoryBeans that return * {@code null} here. Therefore it is highly recommended to implement * this method properly, using the current state of the FactoryBean. * @return the type of object that this FactoryBean creates, * or {@code null} if not known at the time of the call * @see ListableBeanFactory#getBeansOfType */
	Class<?> getObjectType();

	/** * Is the object managed by this factory a singleton? That is, * will {@link #getObject()} always return the same object * (a reference that can be cached)? * <p><b>NOTE:</b> If a FactoryBean indicates to hold a singleton object, * the object returned from {@code getObject()} might get cached * by the owning BeanFactory. Hence, do not return {@code true} * unless the FactoryBean always exposes the same reference. * <p>The singleton status of the FactoryBean itself will generally * be provided by the owning BeanFactory; usually, it has to be * defined as singleton there. * <p><b>NOTE:</b> This method returning {@code false} does not * necessarily indicate that returned objects are independent instances. * An implementation of the extended {@link SmartFactoryBean} interface * may explicitly indicate independent instances through its * {@link SmartFactoryBean#isPrototype()} method. Plain {@link FactoryBean} * implementations which do not implement this extended interface are * simply assumed to always return independent instances if the * {@code isSingleton()} implementation returns {@code false}. * <p>The default implementation returns {@code true}, since a * {@code FactoryBean} typically manages a singleton instance. * @return whether the exposed object is a singleton * @see #getObject() * @see SmartFactoryBean#isPrototype() * * 返回由 FactoryBean 创建的 Bean 实例的作用域是单例还是原型 * true -> singleton / false -> prototype */
	default boolean isSingleton() { 
		return true;

  • getObject():返回由FactoryBean创建的Bean实例,如果isSingleton()返回true,则该Bean实例会放入Spring的一级缓存中。
  • getObjectType():返回FactoryBean创建的Bean类型。
  • isSingleton():返回由FactoryBean创建的Bean实例的作用域是单例还是原型。


# 2、BeanFactoryFactoryBean<T>




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