Spring StoredProcedure for Oracle cursor

Spring StoredProcedure for Oracle cursorhttp://forum.springsource.org/archive/index.php/t-24915.htmlPDAViewFullVersion:SqlReturnResultSetvs.SqlOutParameter  lvmMay12th,2006,12:33PMIspentsometimeyest

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View Full Version : SqlReturnResultSet vs. SqlOutParameter



May 12th, 2006, 12:33 PM

I spent some time yesterday trying to call an Oracle stored procedure(function) using the org.springframework.jdbc.object.StoredProcedure class and thought I share what I found.

I got some code from a co-worker that was doing the same thing, but connecting to MS SQLServer. I didn’t have his stored proc to look at for clues.

He was using SqlReturnResultSet:

declareParameter(new SqlReturnResultSet(“rs” new MessageResultExtractor(msgList)));

My Oracle stored proc accepts no inputs and returns a cursor. When I tried to use the code above I kept getting an error like “invalid number or type of arguments”. I looked at the API for SqlReturnResultSet, which states that it is: “Subclass of SqlOutParameter”. But looking at the inheritance stack it shows that it does not! So I figured I needed to declare an SqlOutParameter, which conveniently accepts a ResultSetExtractor. So I used:

declareParameter(new SqlOutParameter(“rs”, OracleTypes.CURSOR, new MessageResultExtractor(msgList))); and it worked!

Note that I had to use the OracleTypes.CURSOR, which I wasn’t sure would work.

I don’t know if there are ways of getting a resultset from an oracle stored procedure other than a cursor, or maybe there’s a way to use SqlReturnResultSet with a cursor, but the SqlOutParameter worked for me.


May 15th, 2006, 10:50 AM

What you are doing is the best solution. The way Oracle works is different from SQL Server since a stored procedure has to return the cursor/resultset as an explicitly declared ref-cursor out parameter. There is no such restriction in SQL Server so the way we retreive the resultset using standard JDBC API calls is very different for Oracle as compared to SQL Server.




PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to  

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