java mediatype属性_Java MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA属性代码示例[通俗易懂]

java mediatype属性_Java MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA属性代码示例[通俗易懂]/***Triestodeterminethecontent/mediatypeofthisHTTPrequestifftheHTTP”Content-Type”*headerwasnotexplicitlysetbytheuser,otherwisetheuserprovidedvalueisused.Ifthe*”Content-…



* Tries to determine the content/media type of this HTTP request iff the HTTP “Content-Type”

* header was not explicitly set by the user, otherwise the user provided value is used. If the

* “Content-Type” HTTP header value is null, then the content/media/payload of this HTTP request

* is inspected to determine the content type.


* The simplest evaluation sets the content type to “application/x-www-form-urlencoded” if this is

* a POST or PUT HTTP request, unless any request parameter value is determined to have multiple

* parts, the the content type will be “multipart/form-data”.



* @param defaultContentType the default content/media type to use when the content type cannot be

* determined from this HTTP request.

* @return a MediaType for the value of the HTTP Content-Type header as determined from this HTTP

* request.

* @see #getHeaders()

* @see org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders#getContentType()

* @see org.springframework.http.MediaType


protected MediaType determineContentType(final MediaType defaultContentType) {

MediaType contentType = getHeaders().getContentType();

// if the content type HTTP header was not explicitly set, try to determine the media type from

// the content body

// of the HTTP request

if (contentType == null) {

if (isPost() || isPut()) {

OUT: for (final String name : getParameters().keySet()) {

for (final Object value : getParameters().get(name)) {

if (value != null && !(value instanceof String)) {

contentType = MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA;

break OUT;




// since this is a POST/PUT HTTP request, default the content/media type to

// “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”

contentType = ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(contentType, MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED);

} else {

// NOTE the “Content-Type” HTTP header is not applicable to GET/DELETE and other methods of

// HTTP requests

// since there is typically no content (media/payload/request body/etc) to send. Any request

// parameters

// are encoded in the URL as query parameters.



return ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(contentType, defaultContentType);


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