‘linear’ Linear interpolation (default) 双线性插值
‘cubic’ Cubic interpolation 双三次插值
‘natural’ Natural neighbor interpolation 自然邻近插值
‘nearest’ Nearest neighbor interpolation 最近邻近插值
‘v4’ MATLAB® 4 griddata method 由MATLAB提供的插值方法
‘v4′ is apparently a Greens’ function approach. It uses a full matrix composed of ALL of the interpoint distances. This will be SLOW for many points, and extremely memory intensive.
The ‘v4’ method is much like a radial basis function interpolant. These methods are distance based methods, so you will have a single radially symmetric basis function around EVERY data point. The ‘v4’ method will form a linear combination of these basis functions, so it must formulate and solve a linear system of equations, of size the number of data points.
参考: http://www.mathworks.co.kr/matlabcentral/newsreader/view_thread/250451
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