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I am using Ubuntu 11.10 (x64), Using android NDK I am trying to build the stand alone tool chain using the following command line:
/%Some path%/android-ndk-r7b/build/tools/make-standalone-toolchain.sh’ –platform=android-9 –install-dir=/%Some path%/Android/stand-aloone-toolchain
while trying to execute any of the resulting files, eg. ‘./arm-linux-androideabi-gcc’ I get ‘bash: ./arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: No such file or directory’.
I have verified that the file has execute permissions, I have also verified it is a linux executable while checking that it starts with the ‘ELF’ notation…
Why my generated tool chain doesn’t work, why do I get ‘No such file or directory’ while directly executing ‘./arm-linux-androideabi-gcc’ from it’s local dir. ?
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