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1. jmap -heap pid
查看Java 堆(heap)使用情况
using thread-local object allocation.
Parallel GC with 4 thread(s) //GC 方式 Heap Configuration: //堆内存初始化配置
MinHeapFreeRatio=40 //对应jvm启动参数-XX:MinHeapFreeRatio设置JVM堆最小空闲比率(default 40)
MaxHeapFreeRatio=70 //对应jvm启动参数 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio设置JVM堆最大空闲比率(default 70)
MaxHeapSize=512.0MB //对应jvm启动参数-XX:MaxHeapSize=设置JVM堆的最大大小
NewSize = 1.0MB //对应jvm启动参数-XX:NewSize=设置JVM堆的‘新生代’的默认大小
MaxNewSize =4095MB //对应jvm启动参数-XX:MaxNewSize=设置JVM堆的‘新生代’的最大大小
OldSize = 4.0MB //对应jvm启动参数-XX:OldSize=<value>:设置JVM堆的‘老生代’的大小
NewRatio = 8 //对应jvm启动参数-XX:NewRatio=:‘新生代’和‘老生代’的大小比率
SurvivorRatio = 8 //对应jvm启动参数-XX:SurvivorRatio=设置年轻代中Eden区与Survivor区的大小比值
PermSize= 16.0MB //对应jvm启动参数-XX:PermSize=<value>:设置JVM堆的‘永生代’的初始大小
MaxPermSize=64.0MB //对应jvm启动参数-XX:MaxPermSize=<value>:设置JVM堆的‘永生代’的最大大小
Heap Usage: //堆内存分步
PS Young Generation
Eden Space: //Eden区内存分布
capacity = 20381696 (19.4375MB) //Eden区总容量
used = 20370032 (19.426376342773438MB) //Eden区已使用
free = 11664 (0.0111236572265625MB) //Eden区剩余容量
99.94277218147106% used //Eden区使用比率
From Space: //其中一个Survivor区的内存分布
capacity = 8519680 (8.125MB)
used = 32768 (0.03125MB)
free = 8486912 (8.09375MB)
0.38461538461538464% used
To Space: //另一个Survivor区的内存分布
capacity = 9306112 (8.875MB)
used = 0 (0.0MB)
free = 9306112 (8.875MB)
0.0% used
PS Old Generation //当前的Old区内存分布
capacity = 366280704 (349.3125MB)
used = 322179848 (307.25464630126953MB)
free = 44100856 (42.05785369873047MB)
87.95982001825573% used
PS Perm Generation //当前的 “永生代” 内存分布
capacity = 32243712 (30.75MB)
used = 28918584 (27.57891082763672MB)
free = 3325128 (3.1710891723632812MB)
89.68751488662348% used
2. jmap -histo pid
num #instances #bytes class name
序号 实例个数 字节数 类名
1: 3174877 107858256 [C
2: 3171499 76115976 java.lang.String
3: 1397884 38122240 [B
4: 214690 37785440 com.tongli.book.form.Book
5: 107345 18892720 com.tongli.book.form.Book
6: 65645 13953440 [Ljava.lang.Object;
7: 59627 7648416 <constMethodKlass>
8: 291852 7004448 java.util.HashMap$Entry
9: 107349 6871176 [[B
total 9150732 353969416
3. jmap – dump pid
jmap -dump:format=b,file=m.datpid
用jhat命令可以参看 jhat -port 5000 m.dat
在浏览器中访问:http://localhost:5000/ 查看详细信息
sun 官方文档 http://download.Oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/tooldocs/share/jmap.html
可通过jmap –help了解详细使用方法:
jmap [option] <pid>
(to connect to running process)
jmap [option] <executable <core>
(to connect to a core file)
jmap [option] [server_id@]<remote server IP or hostname>
(to connect to remote debug server)
where <option> is one of:
<none> to print same info as Solaris pmap
-heap to print Java heap summary
-histo[:live] to print histogram of java object heap; if the “live”
suboption is specified, only count live objects
-permstat to print permanent generation statistics
-finalizerinfo to print information on objects awaiting finalization
-dump:<dump-options> to dump java heap in hprof binary format
live dump only live objects; if not specified,
all objects in the heap are dumped.
format=b binary format
file=<file> dump heap to <file>
Example: jmap -dump:live,format=b,file=heap.bin <pid>
-F force. Use with -dump:<dump-options> <pid> or -histo
to force a heap dump or histogram when <pid> does not
respond. The “live” suboption is not supported
in this mode.
-h | -help to print this help message
-J<flag> to pass <flag> directly to the runtime system
class name对应的就是Class文件里的class的标识
前边有[代表数组,[I 就相当于int[]
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