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⌘当前价格: 30
⌘支持系统: OS X 10.13
⌘服务支持: 官方页面
累计下载次数: 43
Write code very quickly and review your results instantly by using “Pythonic” code runner.
Pythonic gives you the power of Python and macOS within one solution by bringing the python interpreter right into a beautiful and clean user interface. Also be sure to notice that “Pythonic” isn’t the official Python application but a tool to bring Python to macOS users through an user interface.
– Ability to use any version of python by modifying the “Python Path” through the preferences window.
– Ability to use “Quick Commands” to execute python code quickly, save as, copy to clipboard, and generate a python snippet.
– Zoom control allows you to quickly modify the editor text size.
– Editor horizontal ruler including line numbers.
– Editor character count.
– Editor line number total.
– Python errors and execution statuses shown.
Write code very quickly and review your results instantly by using “Pythonic” code runner.
Pythonic gives you the power of Python and macOS within one solution by bringing the python interpreter right into a beautiful and clean user interface. Also be sure to notice that “Pythonic” isn’t the official Python application but a tool to bring Python to macOS users through an user interface.
– Ability to use any version of python by modifying the “Python Path” through the preferences window.
– Ability to use “Quick Commands” to execute python code quickly, save as, copy to clipboard, and generate a python snippet.
– Zoom control allows you to quickly modify the editor text size.
– Editor horizontal ruler including line numbers.
– Editor character count.
– Editor line number total.
– Python errors and execution statuses shown.
【正版授权,激活自己账号】: Jetbrains全家桶Ide使用,1年售后保障,每天仅需1毛
【官方授权 正版激活】: 官方授权 正版激活 支持Jetbrains家族下所有IDE 使用个人JB账号...