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重新定义TCPDF中的K_PATH_IMAGES常量(define(‘K_PATH_IMAGES’, xxxx) , 需要定义在加载tcpdf.php 之前)
## 示例
$logo = “xxxx”; //相对地址
$pdf->SetHeaderData(PDF_HEADER_LOGO, PDF_HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH, “标题”, “标语”, array(0,64,255), array(0,64,128));
$pdf->setFooterData(array(0,64,0), array(0,64,128));
## 示例
$logo = “xxxx”; //相对地址
$pdf->SetHeaderData(PDF_HEADER_LOGO, PDF_HEADER_LOGO_WIDTH, “标题”, “标语”, array(0,64,255), array(0,64,128));
$pdf->setFooterData(array(0,64,0), array(0,64,128));
重写 public function Header() {} 方法
public function Header() {
$logo = xxxx;//绝对地址
$this->Image($logo, 5, 2, 15, ”, ‘PNG’, ”, ‘T’, false, 300, ”, false, false, 0, false, false, false);
$this->SetFont(‘stsongstdlight’, ”, 10);
$this->MultiCell(0, 15, $this->title, 0, “R”, false, 1, 0, 5);
$this->Image(K_PATH_IMAGES.$headerdata[‘logo’], ”, ”, $headerdata[‘logo_width’]);
根据源码分析,发现此处 会在配置的 $headerdata[‘logo’] 数据前面,自动加上 常量 K_PATH_IMAGES,所以才有了解决方案1,方案2
## 源码
public function Header() {
if ($this->header_xobjid === false) {
// start a new XObject Template
$this->header_xobjid = $this->startTemplate($this->w, $this->tMargin);
$headerfont = $this->getHeaderFont();
$headerdata = $this->getHeaderData();
$this->y = $this->header_margin;
if ($this->rtl) {
$this->x = $this->w – $this->original_rMargin;
} else {
$this->x = $this->original_lMargin;
if (($headerdata[‘logo’]) AND ($headerdata[‘logo’] != K_BLANK_IMAGE)) {
$imgtype = TCPDF_IMAGES::getImageFileType(K_PATH_IMAGES.$headerdata[‘logo’]);
if (($imgtype == ‘eps’) OR ($imgtype == ‘ai’)) {
$this->ImageEps(K_PATH_IMAGES.$headerdata[‘logo’], ”, ”, $headerdata[‘logo_width’]);
} elseif ($imgtype == ‘svg’) {
$this->ImageSVG(K_PATH_IMAGES.$headerdata[‘logo’], ”, ”, $headerdata[‘logo_width’]);
} else {
$this->Image(K_PATH_IMAGES.$headerdata[‘logo’], ”, ”, $headerdata[‘logo_width’]);
$imgy = $this->getImageRBY();
} else {
$imgy = $this->y;
$cell_height = $this->getCellHeight($headerfont[2] / $this->k);
// set starting margin for text data cell
if ($this->getRTL()) {
$header_x = $this->original_rMargin + ($headerdata[‘logo_width’] * 1.1);
} else {
$header_x = $this->original_lMargin + ($headerdata[‘logo_width’] * 1.1);
$cw = $this->w – $this->original_lMargin – $this->original_rMargin – ($headerdata[‘logo_width’] * 1.1);
// header title
$this->SetFont($headerfont[0], ‘B’, $headerfont[2] + 1);
$this->Cell($cw, $cell_height, $headerdata[‘title’], 0, 1, ”, 0, ”, 0);
// header string
$this->SetFont($headerfont[0], $headerfont[1], $headerfont[2]);
$this->MultiCell($cw, $cell_height, $headerdata[‘string’], 0, ”, 0, 1, ”, ”, true, 0, false, true, 0, ‘T’, false);
// print an ending header line
$this->SetLineStyle(array(‘width’ => 0.85 / $this->k, ‘cap’ => ‘butt’, ‘join’ => ‘miter’, ‘dash’ => 0, ‘color’ => $headerdata[‘line_color’]));
$this->SetY((2.835 / $this->k) + max($imgy, $this->y));
if ($this->rtl) {
} else {
$this->Cell(($this->w – $this->original_lMargin – $this->original_rMargin), 0, ”, ‘T’, 0, ‘C’);
// print header template
$x = 0;
$dx = 0;
if (!$this->header_xobj_autoreset AND $this->booklet AND (($this->page % 2) == 0)) {
// adjust margins for booklet mode
$dx = ($this->original_lMargin – $this->original_rMargin);
if ($this->rtl) {
$x = $this->w + $dx;
} else {
$x = 0 + $dx;
$this->printTemplate($this->header_xobjid, $x, 0, 0, 0, ”, ”, false);
if ($this->header_xobj_autoreset) {
// reset header xobject template at each page
$this->header_xobjid = false;
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