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linux 卸载软件命令

linux 卸载软件命令


Linux provides different methods for installing software. You can install software from the standard Ubuntu software repositories using the Ubuntu Software Center, from outside of the standard Ubuntu software repositories, or by compiling source code. However, what if you need to uninstall a program?

Linux提供了不同的软件安装方法。 您可以安装软件,从标准的Ubuntu软件仓库使用Ubuntu软件中心,从标准的Ubuntu软件仓库的外面,或者通过编译源代码。 但是,如果您需要卸载程序怎么办?

If you’ve installed software from the Ubuntu software repositories using the Ubuntu Software Center, you can use the Ubuntu Software Center to uninstall that software as well. However, if you’re more comfortable using the command line, we’ll show you an easy way to see what’s installed on your system and uninstall programs.

如果您已使用Ubuntu软件中心从Ubuntu软件库中安装了软件,则也可以使用Ubuntu软件中心来卸载该软件。 但是,如果您更习惯使用命令行,我们将为您提供一种简单的方法来查看系统上已安装的内容并卸载程序。

If you have an idea of what you want to uninstall, but you don’t know the exact name, see our article about finding out exact package names in Linux. You can also use the “dpkg” command to see a list of all installed packages on your computer, press “Ctrl + Alt + T” to open a Terminal window. Type the following command at the prompt and press “Enter”.

如果您对要卸载的内容有所了解,但不知道确切的名称,请参阅有关在Linux中查找确切的软件包名称的文章。 您也可以使用“ dpkg”命令查看计算机上所有已安装软件包的列表,按“ Ctrl + Alt + T”打开“终端”窗口。 在提示符下键入以下命令,然后按“ Enter”。

dpkg --list


NOTE: There are two dashes before “list”.



Scroll through the list of installed packages in the Terminal window to find the one you want to uninstall. Note the full name of the package.

在“终端”窗口中滚动浏览已安装软件包的列表,找到要卸载的软件包。 注意包的全名。


To uninstall a program, use the “apt-get” command, which is the general command for installing programs and manipulating installed programs. For example, the following command uninstalls gimp and deletes all the configuration files, using the “--purge” (there are two dashes before “purge”) command.

要卸载程序,请使用“ apt-get”命令,这是用于安装程序和操作已安装程序的常规命令。 例如,下面的命令卸载辫形并删除所有的配置文件,使用“ --吹扫”(有两个短划线“清洗”之前)命令。

sudo apt-get --purge remove gimp


Enter your password when prompted and press “Enter”.

出现提示时输入密码,然后按“ Enter”。

NOTE: The password does not display as you type it. However, you can choose to display asterisks as you type the password.

注意:输入密码时,密码不会显示。 但是,您可以在输入密码时选择显示星号


The uninstallation process begins and a summary of the actions to be taken displays. When asked if you want to continue, type a “y” and press “Enter”.

卸载过程开始,并显示要采取的措施的摘要。 当询问您是否要继续时,键入“ y”并按“ Enter”。


The installation process continues. When it’s done, type “exit” at the prompt and press “Enter” to close the Terminal window, or click the “X” button in the upper-left corner of the window.

安装过程将继续。 完成后,在提示符下键入“ exit”,然后按“ Enter”以关闭“终端”窗口,或单击窗口左上角的“ X”按钮。


If you don’t want to remove the configuration files, simply leave out the “--purge” command, as shown in the following command.

如果你不想删除配置文件,只需离开了“ --清除”命令,如图下面的命令。

sudo apt-get remove gimp

sudo apt-get删除gimp


As discussed in this article, programs installed in Linux depend on other packages to function. When you uninstall a program, there may be packages that the uninstalled program depended upon that are no longer used. To remove any unused packages, use the “autoremove” command, as shown in the following command.

本文所述,Linux中安装的程序依赖于其他程序包才能起作用。 当您卸载程序时,可能不再使用已卸载程序所依赖的软件包。 要删除所有未使用的软件包,请使用“ autoremove”命令,如以下命令所示。

sudo apt-get autoremove

须藤apt-get autoremove


You can combine the two commands for removing a program and removing dependencies that are no longer being used into one, as shown below (again, two dashes before “auto-remove”).


sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove gimp



If you’re short on space, you can use the “clean” command to remove downloaded archive files, as shown below.

如果空间不足,可以使用“ clean”命令删除下载的存档文件,如下所示。

sudo apt-get clean

须藤apt-get clean

This command removes the aptitude cache in “/var/cache/apt/archives”. When you install a program, the package file is downloaded and stored in that directory. You don’t need to keep the files in that directory. However, the only drawback of deleting them, is that if you decide to install any of those programs again, the packages would have to be downloaded again.

此命令将删除“ / var / cache / apt / archives”中的智能缓存。 安装程序时,将下载软件包文件并将其存储在该目录中。 您无需将文件保留在该目录中。 但是,删除它们的唯一缺点是,如果您决定再次安装这些程序中的任何一个,则必须重新下载软件包。


The “apt-get” is a handy tool that makes downloading, installing, and uninstalling programs quick and easy. For more information about using the “apt-get” command, type “apt-get” at the prompt and press “Enter”.

“ apt-get”是一种方便的工具,可以快速轻松地下载,安装和卸载程序。 有关使用“ apt-get”命令的更多信息,请在提示符下键入“ apt-get”,然后按“ Enter”。


linux 卸载软件命令

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