NV12 to RGB

NV12 to RGBtypedefunsignedcharUINT8;typedefunsignedintUINT32;staticUINT8RTable[256][256];staticUINT8GTable[256][256][256];staticUINT8BTable[256][256];staticvoidNV12_T_RGB_Table(){inty,u,v,res;for(y=0;y<=255;y++).

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typedef unsigned char UINT8;
typedef unsigned int UINT32;

static UINT8 RTable[256][256];
static UINT8 GTable[256][256][256];
static UINT8 BTable[256][256];

static void NV12_T_RGB_Table()
    int y, u, v, res;
    for (y = 0; y <= 255; y++)
        for (v = 0; v <= 255; v++)
            res = y + 1.402 * (v - 128);  //r
            if (res > 255)	res = 255;
            if (res < 0)	res = 0;
            RTable[y][v] = res;

    for(y = 0; y <= 255; y++)
        for(u = 0; u <= 255; u++)
            for (v = 0; v <= 255; v++)
                res = y - 0.34414 *(u - 128) - 0.71414 * (v - 128); //g
                if (res > 255)	res = 255;
                if (res < 0)	res = 0;
                GTable[y][u][v] = res;

    for(y = 0; y <= 255; y++)
        for (u = 0; u <= 255; u++)
            res = y + 1.772 * (u - 128); //b
            if (res > 255)	res = 255;
            if (res < 0)	res = 0;
            BTable[y][u] = res;

static void NV12_T_BGR(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned char *yuyv, unsigned char *rgb)
    const int nv_start = width * height;
    UINT32  i, j, index = 0, rgb_index = 0;
    UINT8 y, u, v;
    int r, g, b, nv_index = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < width; j++) {
            //nv_index = (rgb_index / 2 - width / 2 * ((i + 1) / 2)) * 2;
            nv_index = (i >> 1) * width + j - j % 2;

            y = yuyv[rgb_index];
            u = yuyv[nv_start + nv_index];
            v = yuyv[nv_start + nv_index + 1];

            r = RTable[y][v];
            g = GTable[y][u][v];
            b = BTable[y][u];

            //index = rgb_index % width + (height - i - 1) * width;
            index = rgb_index % width + i * width;
            rgb[index * 3 + 0] = b;
            rgb[index * 3 + 1] = g;
            rgb[index * 3 + 2] = r;

static void NV12_T_RGB(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned char *yuyv, unsigned char *rgb)
    const int nv_start = width * height;
    UINT32  i, j, index = 0, rgb_index = 0;
    UINT8 y, u, v;
    int r, g, b, nv_index = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < height; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < width; j++) {
            //nv_index = (rgb_index / 2 - width / 2 * ((i + 1) / 2)) * 2;
            nv_index = (i >> 1) * width + j - j % 2;

            y = yuyv[rgb_index];
            u = yuyv[nv_start + nv_index];
            v = yuyv[nv_start + nv_index + 1];

            r = RTable[y][v];
            g = GTable[y][u][v];
            b = BTable[y][u];

            //index = rgb_index % width + (height - i - 1) * width;
            index = rgb_index % width + i * width;
            rgb[index * 3 + 0] = r;
            rgb[index * 3 + 1] = g;
            rgb[index * 3 + 2] = b;

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