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The most important changes/additions are:

Upgrade to PuTTY 0.68

Traditional Chinese translation completed.

Eager to learn more about the new features? Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or LinkedIn.

[Go to Download page] [Complete list of changes]

The most important changes/additions are:

Portuguese translation completed.

Fixes various OpenSSL vulnerabilities.

Lots of usability improvements and bug fixes.

[Complete list of changes]

The most important changes/additions are:

Croatian translation completed.

Fixes various OpenSSL vulnerabilities.

Lots of usability improvements and bug fixes.

[Complete list of changes]

The most important changes/additions are:

Translations completed: Brazilian Portuguese, Finnish, Kabyle and Ukrainian.

Lots of usability improvements and bug fixes.

[Complete list of changes]

The most important changes/additions are:

Translations completed: Catalan, Swedish and Polish.

Several files can be opened in editor at once using their paths.

[Complete list of changes]

WinSCP 5.9 is a major application update focused on improving user experience!

New features and enhancements include:

Significantly improved WinSCP look and feel in large font / high DPI environments

Improved transfer speed with SFTP and SCP protocols

Automatic WinSCP updates (only for donors)

Support for authentication with TLS/SSL client certificates

Dual code signing binaries with both SHA-1 and SHA-256

Custom commands can be distributed in a form of configurable WinSCP extension

WinSCP script template or WinSCP .NET assembly code template can be generated in GUI

Switch -latest for get and put commands to transfer the latest file only

[Full announcement] [Complete list of changes]

This is the last release candidate before a stable release.

The most important changes/additions are:

Yet more improvements to custom commands to allow even better WinSCP extensions.

Scripting supports selecting or naming files according to a time relative to the present time.

[Complete list of changes]

The most important changes/additions are:

Improvements to .NET assembly and custom commands to allow even better WinSCP extensions.

Fixes various OpenSSL vulnerabilities.

Performace improvements.

[Complete list of changes]


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