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每个关系数据库都提供了一种检查底层连接状态的方法,因此可以轻松打开一个新的 SQL 终端并检查是否有任何悬空连接。但是,这种简约的方法是错误的,因为它意味着我们将应用程序的损坏版本部署到生产环境中。
要检查给定的测试类是否泄漏连接,我们将检查 JUnit 测试运行器使用给定类之前和之后的悬空连接数:
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@BeforeClass public static void initConnectionLeakUtility() { if ( enableConnectionLeakDetection ) { connectionLeakUtil = new ConnectionLeakUtil(); } } @AfterClass public static void assertNoLeaks() { if ( enableConnectionLeakDetection ) { connectionLeakUtil.assertNoLeaks(); } } |
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public class ConnectionLeakUtil { private JdbcProperties jdbcProperties = JdbcProperties.INSTANCE; private List idleConnectionCounters = Arrays.asList( H2IdleConnectionCounter.INSTANCE, OracleIdleConnectionCounter.INSTANCE, PostgreSQLIdleConnectionCounter.INSTANCE, MySQLIdleConnectionCounter.INSTANCE ); private IdleConnectionCounter connectionCounter; private int connectionLeakCount; public ConnectionLeakUtil() { for ( IdleConnectionCounter connectionCounter : idleConnectionCounters ) { if ( connectionCounter.appliesTo( Dialect.getDialect().getClass() ) ) { this .connectionCounter = connectionCounter; break ; } } if ( connectionCounter != null ) { connectionLeakCount = countConnectionLeaks(); } } public void assertNoLeaks() { if ( connectionCounter != null ) { int currentConnectionLeakCount = countConnectionLeaks(); int diff = currentConnectionLeakCount - connectionLeakCount; if ( diff > 0 ) { throw new ConnectionLeakException( String.format( "%d connection(s) have been leaked! Previous leak count: %d, Current leak count: %d" , diff, connectionLeakCount, currentConnectionLeakCount ) ); } } } private int countConnectionLeaks() { try ( Connection connection = newConnection() ) { return connectionCounter.count( connection ); } catch ( SQLException e ) { throw new IllegalStateException( e ); } } private Connection newConnection() { try { return DriverManager.getConnection( jdbcProperties.getUrl(), jdbcProperties.getUser(), jdbcProperties.getPassword() ); } catch ( SQLException e ) { throw new IllegalStateException( e ); } } } |
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public interface IdleConnectionCounter { /** * Specifies which Dialect the counter applies to. * * @param dialect dialect * * @return applicability. */ boolean appliesTo(Class<? extends Dialect> dialect); /** * Count the number of idle connections. * * @param connection current JDBC connection to be used for querying the number of idle connections. * * @return idle connection count. */ int count(Connection connection); } |
对于我们在测试期间使用的每个受支持的 Hibernate Dialect
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public class H2IdleConnectionCounter implements IdleConnectionCounter { public static final IdleConnectionCounter INSTANCE = new H2IdleConnectionCounter(); @Override public boolean appliesTo(Class<? extends Dialect> dialect) { return H2Dialect. class .isAssignableFrom( dialect ); } @Override public int count(Connection connection) { try ( Statement statement = connection.createStatement() ) { try ( ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery( "SELECT COUNT(*) " + "FROM information_schema.sessions " + "WHERE statement IS NULL" ) ) { while ( resultSet.next() ) { return resultSet.getInt( 1 ); } return 0 ; } } catch ( SQLException e ) { throw new IllegalStateException( e ); } } } |
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public class OracleIdleConnectionCounter implements IdleConnectionCounter { public static final IdleConnectionCounter INSTANCE = new OracleIdleConnectionCounter(); @Override public boolean appliesTo(Class<? extends Dialect> dialect) { return Oracle10gDialect. class .isAssignableFrom( dialect ); } @Override public int count(Connection connection) { try ( Statement statement = connection.createStatement() ) { try ( ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery( "SELECT COUNT(*) " + "FROM v$session " + "WHERE status = 'INACTIVE'" ) ) { while ( resultSet.next() ) { return resultSet.getInt( 1 ); } return 0 ; } } catch ( SQLException e ) { throw new IllegalStateException( e ); } } } |
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public class PostgreSQLIdleConnectionCounter implements IdleConnectionCounter { public static final IdleConnectionCounter INSTANCE = new PostgreSQLIdleConnectionCounter(); @Override public boolean appliesTo(Class<? extends Dialect> dialect) { return PostgreSQL91Dialect. class .isAssignableFrom( dialect ); } @Override public int count(Connection connection) { try ( Statement statement = connection.createStatement() ) { try ( ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery( "SELECT COUNT(*) " + "FROM pg_stat_activity " + "WHERE state ILIKE '%idle%'" ) ) { while ( resultSet.next() ) { return resultSet.getInt( 1 ); } return 0 ; } } catch ( SQLException e ) { throw new IllegalStateException( e ); } } } |
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public class MySQLIdleConnectionCounter implements IdleConnectionCounter { public static final IdleConnectionCounter INSTANCE = new MySQLIdleConnectionCounter(); @Override public boolean appliesTo(Class<? extends Dialect> dialect) { return MySQL5Dialect. class .isAssignableFrom( dialect ); } @Override public int count(Connection connection) { try ( Statement statement = connection.createStatement() ) { try ( ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery( "SHOW PROCESSLIST" ) ) { int count = 0 ; while ( resultSet.next() ) { String state = resultSet.getString( "command" ); if ( "sleep" .equalsIgnoreCase( state ) ) { count++; } } return count; } } catch ( SQLException e ) { throw new IllegalStateException( e ); } } } |
我构建了这个实用程序,以便我们可以跟踪Hibernate ORM项目中所有泄漏连接的单元测试。当针对 运行它时hibernate-core
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:hibernate-core: test org.hibernate.jpa. test .EntityManagerFactoryClosedTest > classMethod FAILED org.hibernate.testing.jdbc.leak.ConnectionLeakException org.hibernate.jpa. test .EntityManagerFactoryUnwrapTest > classMethod FAILED org.hibernate.testing.jdbc.leak.ConnectionLeakException org.hibernate.jpa. test .cdi.NoCdiAvailableTest > classMethod FAILED org.hibernate.testing.jdbc.leak.ConnectionLeakException org.hibernate.jpa. test .factory.SynchronizationTypeTest > classMethod FAILED org.hibernate.testing.jdbc.leak.ConnectionLeakException |
当我打开 的报告时EntityManagerFactoryClosedTest
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org.hibernate.testing.jdbc.leak.ConnectionLeakException: 1 connection(s) have been leaked! Previous leak count: 0, Current leak count: 1 |
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org.hibernate.testing.jdbc.leak.ConnectionLeakException: 1 connection(s) have been leaked! Previous leak count: 2, Current leak count: 3 |
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