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If you’ve ever wanted to be able to download Google Maps data for offline use, you should check out gmapcatcher, a cross-platform application that caches map segments locally.
如果您曾经希望能够下载Google Maps数据以供离线使用,则应查看gmapcatcher,这是一个在本地缓存地图段的跨平台应用程序。
There’s both a GUI version and a command-line version that you can use to pull down the maps data. The whole thing is written in Python, but the installer should handle everything for Windows users. If not, install Python and try again.
您可以使用GUI版本和命令行版本来下拉地图数据。 整个过程都是用Python编写的,但是安装程序应该为Windows用户处理所有事情。 如果不是,请安装Python,然后重试。
gmapcatcher [Google Code]
gmapcatcher [Google代码]
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/90565/how-to-download-google-maps-for-offline-use/
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