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I’m working with the basics of Java reflection and observing information on methods of classes. I need to get a method that matches specifications as described by the getMethod() function. However, when I do this I get a NoSuchMethodException, and I was hoping you could tell me why my implementation is incorrect.
static void methodInfo2(String className) throws ClassNotFoundException,
Class cls = null;
cls = Class.forName(className);
} catch(ClassNotFoundException e){
System.out.println(“Cls: “+cls);
Method method1 = cls.getMethod(“test”, null);
System.out.println(“method1: “+method1);
EDIT1:When I print out “Cls: “+cls, the output is “Cls: class a8.myclass2”. Why does it append the class part? (the a8 is correct, so don’t worry about that) /EDIT1
This is the function I use to read in a class from my main function, and then I want to getMethod() with the parameters “test” and null, where “test” is the name of the method and null means the method has no parameters. The class I am reading in is called myclass2 which is here:
package a8;
public class myclass2 {
void test(){
//”takes no parameters”
//”returns bool”
//”name starts with test”
//return true;
As you can see, the method does infact exist in the class. If you could point out my mistake, I would really appreciate it.
Make your test method public. I believe Class.getMethod() is limited to public methods.
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