
卸载vs2012的步骤_plsql卸载详细步骤要卸载VS系列时才发现卸载VS还是很麻烦的事情,经过研究网上的卸载工具都没什么用,还是要自己手动卸载才彻底些。手动卸载步骤:VisualStudioExpressEditions进入控制面板,运行添加或删除程序 卸载”MSDNLibraryforVisualStudio2005Beta” 卸载”MicrosoftSQLServer2005Expr

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Visual Studio Express Editions

卸载 “MSDN Library for Visual Studio 2005Beta” 
卸载 “Microsoft SQL Server 2005 ExpressEdition” 
卸载 “Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Tools ExpressEdition” 
卸载 “Microsoft SQL Native Client” 
卸载 “DMA Transport Update for VS 2005 Beta2” 
卸载 “Microsoft MSDN Express Library 2005Beta” 
卸载所有 Microsoft Visual Studio Express Editions (比如 Visual C# 2005Express Edition Beta) 
卸载 “Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Remote Debugger Light” (如果您的VisualStudio被安装在64位的机器上,则需要执行此步骤) 
卸载 “Microsoft Visual J# .NET Redistributable 2.0 Beta LanguagePack” (如果您只有英文版,则不需要此步骤) 
卸载 “Microsoft Visual J# .NET Redistributable Package 2.0Beta” 
确认所有Visual Studio 2005产品已经从您的系统中卸载 
卸载 “Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Beta Language Pack”(如果您只有英文版,则不需要此步骤) 
卸载 “Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Beta” 
安装Visual Studio 2005 Express版或您需要的其它版本

Visual Studio 2005


卸载 “MSDN Library for Visual Studio 2005Beta” 
卸载 “Microsoft SQL Server 2005 ExpressEdition” 
卸载 “Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Tools ExpressEdition” 
卸载 “Microsoft SQL Native Client” 
卸载 “Microsoft Visual Studio 64bit Prerequisites Beta” (如果您的VisualStudio被安装在64位的机器上,则需要执行此步骤) 
卸载 “Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office System 2005 RuntimeLanguage Pack” (如果您只有英文版,则不需要此步骤) 
卸载 “Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office System 2005 RuntimeBeta” 
卸载 “DMA Transport Update for VS 2005 Beta2” 
卸载 “Microsoft Device Emulator 1.0 Beta” 
卸载 “Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 2.0Beta” 
卸载 “Microsoft .NET Compact Framework1.0” 
卸载 “Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional” or other related IDEinstalls (比如 Visual Studio Professional/Standard/EnterpriseArchitect/Team Suite, 等等) 
卸载 “Microsoft Document Explorer 2005 Language Pack”(如果您只有英文版,则不需要此步骤) 
卸载 “Microsoft Document Explorer 2005″(Beta2之后的版本需要此步骤) 
卸载 “Microsoft SQL Mobile 2005 DevelopmentTools” 
卸载 “Microsoft 64-bit SDK” (如果您的VisualStudio被安装在64位的机器上,则需要执行此步骤) 
卸载 “Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Remote Debugger (x64)” (如果您的VisualStudio被安装在64位的机器上,则需要执行此步骤) 
卸载 “Microsoft MDAC 2.8 SP1” (如果您运行在Windows2000的操作系统上,则需要执行此步骤) 
卸载 “Microsoft MSXML 6 SDK and Parser” 
卸载 “Microsoft Visual J# .NET Redistributable 2.0 Beta LanguagePack” (如果您只有英文版,则不需要此步骤) 
卸载 “Microsoft Visual J# Redistributable Package 2.0Beta” 
确认所有Visual Studio 2005产品已经从您的系统中卸载 
卸载 “Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Beta Language pack”(如果您只有英文版,则不需要此步骤) 
卸载 “Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Beta” 




Remove “MSDN Library for VisualStudio 2008 Beta” 
Remove “Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition3.5” 
Remove “Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 DesignTools” 
Remove “Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 forDevices” 
Remove “Microsoft Visual Studio Performance CollectionTools” 
Remove “Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK R2 for PocketPC” 
Remove “Windows Mobile 5.0 SDK R2 forSmartphone” 
Remove “Crystal Reports 2007” 
Remove “Visual Studio Asset System” 
Remove “Microsoft Visual Studio Web Authoring Component / MicrosoftWeb Designer Tools” 
Remove “Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the 2007 MicrosoftOffice System Runtime” 
Remove “Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the 2007 MicrosoftOffice System Runtime Language Pack” (non-English editionsonly) 
Remove “Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office Runtime3.0” 
Remove “Microsoft Document Explorer” 
Remove “Microsoft Document Explorer 2005 Language Pack”(non-English editions only) 
Remove “Microsoft Device Emulator 3.0” 
Remove “Microsoft .NET Compact Framework3.5” 
Remove “Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 2.0SP1” 
Remove “.NET Framework 2.0 SDK” 
Remove “Microsoft Visual Studio Codename Orcas RemoteDebugger” 
Remove “Microsoft Visual Studio 64bit Prerequisites Beta” (64-bitplatforms only) 
Remove “Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5” 


Microsoft Visual Studio2008
Microsoft Document Explorer 2008 *
Microsoft Device Emulator 3.0版
Visual Studio Tools for the Office system 3.0 Runtime *
Microsoft SQL Server ***
Microsoft Windows SDK for Visual Studio 2008 ***
windows Mobile 5.0 **
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 *


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