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The Oracle database administrator (DBA) will consider many factors related to failover, load balancing, and others while creating and configuring an rac.───Oracle数据库管理员(DBA)在创建和配置rac时需要考虑与故障转移、负载平衡以及其他事项相关的诸多因素。
Your Oracle DBA can help you determine if further configuration is necessary and can help you perform the steps.───Oracle DBA可以帮助您确定是否需要进一步的配置,并可以帮助您执行这些步骤。
Two others have to do with configuration problems in the Oracle database and require an Oracle DBA to fix.───另外两个是关于Oracle数据库中的配置问题,这需要Oracle dba来修改。
Two others have to do with configuration problems in the Oracle database and require an Oracle DBA to fix.───另外两个是关于Oracle数据库中的配置问题,这需要OracleDBA来修改。
Endorsed by leading IT certification sites, it is a most recommended study aid for Oracle DBA and developer certification exams.───通过领先的IT认证网站,这是一个最推荐的援助,为研究甲骨文的名义运作和开发认证考试。
(The RAC URL should be provided by the Oracle DBA and might look similar to the sample URL shown above. )───(RACURL应由OracleDBA提供,并且应与如上所示的示例URL类似。)
Oracle DBA Backup and Recovery Quick Reference───备份与恢复快速参考
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