ASP.NET MVC4开发指南_vue mvc

ASP.NET MVC4开发指南_vue mvcWhatistheWebGrid?TheWebGridisahelperthatwasincludedonthenewBeta1versionofASP.NETMVC3(Changescanhappenssinceitisabetaversion)thatenableustoshowdataeasily.Withasimp…

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What is the WebGrid?

The WebGrid is a helper that was included on the new Beta 1 version of ASP.NET MVC 3 (Changes can happens since it is a beta version) that enable us to show data easily.

With a simple command @grid.getHtml() we have as return a populated table, with paging, sorting and alternated lines. Want more? yes, it follows the webstandards.

The WebGrid constructor takes a number of parameters. Only one is mandatory. Here’s an explanation of all of them:

System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable sourceThe collection of objects

System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable columnNames = nullThe names of the columns appearing in the grid

string defaultSort = null

The name of the column to sort the grid by default

int rowsPerPage = 10The number of rows to display per page is paging is enabled

bool canPage = trueDetermines if the WebGrid can be paged

bool canSort = trueDetermines if the WebGrid can be sorted

string ajaxUpdateContainerId = nullThe id of the containing element for Ajax paging and sorting support

string ajaxUpdateCallback = nullThe callback function for Ajax paging and sorting support

string fieldNamePrefix = nullThe value which prefixes the default querystring fields

string pageFieldName = nullA value that replaces the default querystring page field

string selectionFieldName = nullA value that replaces the default querystring row field

string sortFieldName = nullA value that replaces the default querystring sort field

string sortDirectionFieldName = nullA value that replaces the default querystring sortdir field

The GetHtml method renders the grid. To render a simple grid with no formatting, use the following code. I’m using the model that’s being passed in to the view for these examples.


public ActionResult WebGrid()


return View(VideoRepository.FindAll().OrderByDescending(v=>v.CreateTime));



@model IEnumerable


ViewBag.Title = “WebGrid”;

Layout = “~/Areas/Admin/Views/Shared/Layout.cshtml”;




var grid = new WebGrid(Model, rowsPerPage: 2);


tableStyle: “data-table”,

columns: grid.Columns(


grid.Column(header: “Image”, format: (item) => Html.Raw(string.Format(“%7B0%7D%5C%22“, item.ImageName))),

grid.Column(“CreateTime”, format: (item) => string.Format(“{0:d}”, item.CreateTime))





/* data-table */



border: #DDDDDD 1px solid;

width: 100%;



.data-table thead th


padding: 5px 10px;

text-align: left;

border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;

border-bottom: 1px solid #C1C8D2;

background-color: #F2F4F6;

font-size: 13px;


.data-table td


line-height: 20px;

padding: 5px 10px;

border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;


.data-table tr:hover


background-color: #F3F3F3;


.data-table td a


text-decoration: underline;


.data-table tfoot td


font-weight: bold;

padding: 10px 0;

text-align: center;


.data-table tfoot a


border: 1px solid #9AAFE5;

color: #2E6AB1;

display: inline-block;

margin: 0 2px;

padding: 0 5px;

text-decoration: none;




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