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997错误在解释中是重叠IO正在使用中,要么使用acceptEx没有开线程,一些结果没办法处理,要么就是在x64位系统编译中出现的问题。第二种可能 性最大。还在解决了,解决了再来更新
If the function fails, AcceptEx returns FALSE. The WSAGetLastError function can then be called to return extended error information. If WSAGetLastError returns ERROR_IO_PENDING, then the operation was successfully initiated and is still in progress. If the error is WSAECONNRESET, an incoming connection was indicated, but was subsequently terminated by the remote peer prior to accepting the call
返回ERROR_IO_PENDING是正常的。如吧。为什么32位就是返回的是0呢。。。。 这个问题到此结束
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