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python 微信自动回复机器人
- 导入wxauto https://github.com/cluic/wxauto
#!python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Author: tikic@qq.com Source: https://github.com/cluic/wxauto License: MIT License Version: """ from tokenize import Name from unicodedata import name import uiautomation as uia import win32gui, win32con import win32clipboard as wc import time import os AUTHOR_EMAIL = 'tikic@qq.com' UPDATE = '2021-09-06' VERSION = '' COPYDICT = { } class WxParam: SYS_TEXT_HEIGHT = 33 TIME_TEXT_HEIGHT = 34 RECALL_TEXT_HEIGHT = 45 CHAT_TEXT_HEIGHT = 52 CHAT_IMG_HEIGHT = 117 SpecialTypes = ['[文件]', '[图片]', '[视频]', '[音乐]', '[链接]'] class WxUtils: def SplitMessage(MsgItem): uia.SetGlobalSearchTimeout(0) MsgItemName = MsgItem.Name if MsgItem.BoundingRectangle.height() == WxParam.SYS_TEXT_HEIGHT: Msg = { 'name':'SYS', 'msg':MsgItemName, 'time':''.join([str(i) for i in MsgItem.GetRuntimeId()])} elif MsgItem.BoundingRectangle.height() == WxParam.TIME_TEXT_HEIGHT: Msg = { 'name':'Time', 'msg':MsgItemName, 'time':''.join([str(i) for i in MsgItem.GetRuntimeId()])} elif MsgItem.BoundingRectangle.height() == WxParam.RECALL_TEXT_HEIGHT: if '撤回' in MsgItemName: Msg = { 'name':'Recall','msg': MsgItemName, 'time':''.join([str(i) for i in MsgItem.GetRuntimeId()])} else: Msg = { 'name':'SYS', 'msg':MsgItemName,'time': ''.join([str(i) for i in MsgItem.GetRuntimeId()])} else: Index = 1 User = MsgItem.ButtonControl(foundIndex=Index) try: while True: if User.Name == '': Index += 1 User = MsgItem.ButtonControl(foundIndex=Index) else: break Msg = { 'name':User.Name, 'msg':MsgItemName, 'time':''.join([str(i) for i in MsgItem.GetRuntimeId()])} except: Msg = { 'name':'SYS', 'msg':MsgItemName, 'time':''.join([str(i) for i in MsgItem.GetRuntimeId()])} uia.SetGlobalSearchTimeout(10.0) return Msg def SetClipboard(data, dtype='text'): '''复制文本信息或图片到剪贴板 data : 要复制的内容,str 或 Image 图像''' if dtype.upper() == 'TEXT': type_data = win32con.CF_UNICODETEXT elif dtype.upper() == 'IMAGE': from io import BytesIO type_data = win32con.CF_DIB output = BytesIO() data.save(output, 'BMP') data = output.getvalue()[14:] else: raise ValueError('param (dtype) only "text" or "image" supported') wc.OpenClipboard() wc.EmptyClipboard() wc.SetClipboardData(type_data, data) wc.CloseClipboard() def Screenshot(hwnd, to_clipboard=True): '''为句柄为hwnd的窗口程序截图 hwnd : 句柄 to_clipboard : 是否复制到剪贴板 ''' import pyscreenshot as shot bbox = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hwnd) win32gui.SetWindowPos(hwnd, win32con.HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0,\ win32con.SWP_SHOWWINDOW|win32con.SWP_NOMOVE|win32con.SWP_NOSIZE) win32gui.SetWindowPos(hwnd, win32con.HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0,\ win32con.SWP_SHOWWINDOW|win32con.SWP_NOMOVE|win32con.SWP_NOSIZE) win32gui.BringWindowToTop(hwnd) im = shot.grab(bbox) if to_clipboard: WxUtils.SetClipboard(im, 'image') return im def SavePic(savepath=None, filename=None): Pic = uia.WindowControl(ClassName='ImagePreviewWnd', Name='图片查看') Pic.SendKeys('{Ctrl}s') SaveAs = Pic.WindowControl(ClassName='#32770', Name='另存为...') SaveAsEdit = SaveAs.EditControl(ClassName='Edit', Name='文件名:') SaveButton = Pic.ButtonControl(ClassName='Button', Name='保存(S)') PicName, Ex = os.path.splitext(SaveAsEdit.GetValuePattern().Value) if not savepath: savepath = os.getcwd() if not filename: filename = PicName FilePath = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(savepath, filename + Ex)) SaveAsEdit.SendKeys(FilePath) SaveButton.Click() Pic.SendKeys('{Esc}') def ControlSize(control): locate = control.BoundingRectangle size = (locate.width(), locate.height()) return size def ClipboardFormats(unit=0, *units): units = list(units) wc.OpenClipboard() u = wc.EnumClipboardFormats(unit) wc.CloseClipboard() units.append(u) if u: units = WxUtils.ClipboardFormats(u, *units) return units def CopyDict(): Dict = { } for i in WxUtils.ClipboardFormats(): if i == 0: continue wc.OpenClipboard() try: content = wc.GetClipboardData(i) wc.CloseClipboard() except: wc.CloseClipboard() raise ValueError if len(str(i))>=4: Dict[str(i)] = content return Dict class WeChat: def __init__(self): self.UiaAPI = uia.WindowControl(ClassName='WeChatMainWndForPC') self.SessionList = self.UiaAPI.ListControl(Name='会话') self.EditMsg = self.UiaAPI.EditControl(Name='输入') self.SearchBox = self.UiaAPI.EditControl(Name='搜索') self.MsgList = self.UiaAPI.ListControl(Name='消息') self.SessionItemList = [] def GetWXName(self): self.WXName= self.UiaAPI.ButtonControl() return self.WXName.Name def GetOfficialList(self): s= self.UiaAPI.TextControl(Name='公众号') print(s) def GetNewMsgSessionList(self): '''获取发送人会话列表''' SessionList= self.GetSessionList() NewMsgList=[] for name in SessionList: s =self.SessionList.ListItemControl(Name=name) for i in s.GetChildren(): for j in i.GetChildren(): if j.ControlType == 50020 and j.Name !='': NewMsgList.append(name) return NewMsgList def GetSessionList(self, reset=False): '''获取当前会话列表,更新会话列表''' self.SessionItem = self.SessionList.ListItemControl() SessionList = [] if reset: self.SessionItemList = [] for i in range(100): try: name = self.SessionItem.Name except: break if name not in self.SessionItemList: self.SessionItemList.append(name) if name not in SessionList: SessionList.append(name) self.SessionItem = self.SessionItem.GetNextSiblingControl() return SessionList def Search(self, keyword): ''' 查找微信好友或关键词 keywords: 要查找的关键词,str * 最好完整匹配,不完全匹配只会选取搜索框第一个 ''' self.UiaAPI.SetFocus() time.sleep(0.2) self.UiaAPI.SendKeys('{Ctrl}f', waitTime=1) self.SearchBox.SendKeys(keyword, waitTime=1.5) self.SearchBox.SendKeys('{Enter}') def ChatWith(self, who, RollTimes=None): ''' 打开某个聊天框 who : 要打开的聊天框好友名,str; * 最好完整匹配,不完全匹配只会选取搜索框第一个 RollTimes : 默认向下滚动多少次,再进行搜索 ''' self.UiaAPI.SwitchToThisWindow() RollTimes = 10 if not RollTimes else RollTimes def roll_to(who=who, RollTimes=RollTimes): for i in range(RollTimes): if who not in self.GetSessionList()[:-1]: self.SessionList.WheelDown(wheelTimes=3, waitTime=0.1*i) else: time.sleep(0.5) self.SessionList.ListItemControl(Name=who).Click(simulateMove=False) return 1 return 0 rollresult = roll_to() if rollresult: return 1 else: self.Search(who) return roll_to(RollTimes=1) def SendMsg(self, msg, clear=True): '''向当前窗口发送消息 msg : 要发送的消息 clear : 是否清除当前已编辑内容 ''' self.UiaAPI.SwitchToThisWindow() if clear: self.EditMsg.SendKeys('{Ctrl}a', waitTime=0) self.EditMsg.SendKeys(msg, waitTime=0) self.EditMsg.SendKeys('{Enter}', waitTime=0) def SendFiles(self, *filepath, not_exists='ignore'): """向当前聊天窗口发送文件 not_exists: 如果未找到指定文件,继续或终止程序 *filepath: 要复制文件的绝对路径""" global COPYDICT key = '' for file in filepath: file = os.path.realpath(file) if not os.path.exists(file): if not_exists.upper() == 'IGNORE': print('File not exists:', file) continue elif not_exists.upper() == 'RAISE': raise FileExistsError('File Not Exists: %s'%file) else: raise ValueError('param not_exists only "ignore" or "raise" supported') key += '<EditElement type="3" filepath="%s" shortcut="" />'%file if not key: return 0 if not COPYDICT: self.EditMsg.SendKeys(' ', waitTime=0) self.EditMsg.SendKeys('{Ctrl}a', waitTime=0) self.EditMsg.SendKeys('{Ctrl}c', waitTime=0) self.EditMsg.SendKeys('{Delete}', waitTime=0) while True: try: COPYDICT = WxUtils.CopyDict() break except: pass wc.OpenClipboard() wc.EmptyClipboard() wc.SetClipboardData(13, '') wc.SetClipboardData(16, b'\x04\x08\x00\x00') wc.SetClipboardData(1, b'') wc.SetClipboardData(7, b'') for i in COPYDICT: copydata = COPYDICT[i].replace(b'<EditElement type="0"><![CDATA[ ]]>', key.encode()).replace(b'type="0"', b'type="3"') wc.SetClipboardData(int(i), copydata) wc.CloseClipboard() self.SendClipboard() return 1 def SendClipboard(self): '''向当前聊天页面发送剪贴板复制的内容''' self.SendMsg('{Ctrl}v') @property def GetAllMessage(self): '''获取当前窗口中加载的所有聊天记录''' MsgDocker = [] MsgItems = self.MsgList.GetChildren() for MsgItem in MsgItems: MsgDocker.append(WxUtils.SplitMessage(MsgItem)) return MsgDocker @property def GetLastMessage(self): '''获取当前窗口中最后一条聊天记录''' uia.SetGlobalSearchTimeout(1.0) MsgItem = self.MsgList.GetChildren()[1] Msg = WxUtils.SplitMessage(MsgItem) uia.SetGlobalSearchTimeout(10.0) return Msg def LoadMoreMessage(self, n=0.1): '''定位到当前聊天页面,并往上滚动鼠标滚轮,加载更多聊天记录到内存''' n = 0.1 if n<0.1 else 1 if n>1 else n self.MsgList.WheelUp(wheelTimes=int(500*n), waitTime=0.1) def SendScreenshot(self, name=None, classname=None): '''发送某个桌面程序的截图,如:微信、记事本... name : 要发送的桌面程序名字,如:微信 classname : 要发送的桌面程序类别名,一般配合 spy 小工具使用,以获取类名,如:微信的类名为 WeChatMainWndForPC''' if name and classname: return 0 else: hwnd = win32gui.FindWindow(classname, name) if hwnd: WxUtils.Screenshot(hwnd) self.SendClipboard() return 1 else: return 0
- 获取窗口微信聊天窗口发送消息
import json from win32gui import * import win32gui import random import win32con from wxauto import * wx = WeChat() chat=None while True: if chat is not None: wx.ChatWith(chat) msg = wx.GetLastMessage if msg["name"] == chat: wx.SendMsg('机器人测试') list =wx.GetNewMsgSessionList() for user in list: wx.ChatWith(user) wx.SendMsg('机器人测试') chat=user time.sleep(10) time.sleep(10)
- 使用UISpy.exe 查找窗口类
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