Conference Management Toolkit_wolverine access

Conference Management Toolkit_wolverine accessManagementObject:RetrievingtheManagementInformationThemostfundamentaltypethattheSystem.ManagementnamespaceexposesiscalledManagementObject.Thistyperepresentsa.NETviewofanarbit

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ManagementObject: Retrieving the Management Information

The most fundamental type that the System.Management namespace exposes is called ManagementObject. This type represents a .NET view of an arbitrary WMI class instance. In other words, it corresponds to an actual managed element within a given environment. Once created, an instance of the ManagementObject type provides the methods and properties necessary to manipulate the management data associated with an instance of a given WMI class.



Binding to WMI Objects

Creating an instance of the ManagementObject type is remarkably easy. The following line of code produces a single unbound instance of this type using its parameterless constructor:




ManagementObject mo = new ManagementObject();

This instance of the ManagementObject type is not very useful unless it is linked to an arbitrary WMI class instance. In order to establish this association you must use the type’s overloaded constructor; this constructor takes a single parameter of type String, which represents the object path. As outlined in Listing 1-3 of Chapter 1, a full object path consists of the name of the server, which hosts the WMI implementation; the namespace handle; the name of the WMI class; and a key-value pair, which uniquely identifies an instance. Using these components, the following code will create an instance of the ManagementObject type, associated with the instance of the Win32_ComputerSystem WMI class. This class resides in the root/CIMV2 namespace on the BCK_OFFICE machine and it is uniquely identified by the value of its Name property:



ManagementObject mo = new ManagementObject( @//BCK_OFFICE/root/CIMV2:Win32_ComputerSystem.Name='BCK_OFFICE');
Often when you are developing a managed application you will want to work with WMI objects on your
local machine. But because hardcoding the server name into a program is not a very flexible solution, 
you can substitute "." (which stands for the name of the local machine) for the server name. In fact, 
you don't need to include the name of the hosting server or "." in the object path at all; if you omit it, 
the local computer system will be the default server.
The namespace portion of the path is also optional and, if you omit it, root/CIMV2 will be the default.
In our discussion of WMI settings in Chapter 1, you learned that the default value for the namespace is
specified by the HKLM/SOFTWARE/MICROSOFT/WBEM/Scripting/Default Namespace registry setting. You may also
recall that changing the registry value does not affect the namespace to which ManagementObject gets bound. 
This is because the default path is hardcoded in the ManagementPath type's static type constructor so that
every time this type is loaded, its static property, DefaultPath, is set to //./root/CIMV2. During its 
initialization sequence, the ManagementObject type examines the supplied object path and, if necessary, it 
reads the default value from the ManagementPath's DefaultPath property. Hopefully, in future FCL releases, 
Microsoft will address this issue and make sure that the default namespace for ManagementObject is 
configurable rather than hardcoded.
的HKLM/SOFTWARE/MICROSOFT/WBEM/Scripting/Default Namespace指定的。你可能还记得通过改变注册表中的键值无法影响
Although you must encode a unique object identity into the object path, including the name of the property
that functions as an object's key is optional. In other words, you can place an equal sign and the value of 
the key directly after the name of the class—WMI is smart enough to apply the value to a correct property 
based on the class definition. Therefore, to create an instance of the ManagementObject type that is bound 
to the WMI class's Win32_ComputerSystem instance (which resides on the local machine), you would use the 
following code:
ManagementObject mo = new ManagementObject(@"Win32_ComputerSystem='BCK_OFFICE'");
Accessing Singletons
Anyone who spends some time playing with WMI will eventually notice that there are some classes that don't 
seem to have any key properties. For example, the Win32_WMISetting class, discussed in Chapter 1, does not 
designate any of its properties as a key that uniquely identifies a given instance. The reason behind this 
is simple—these classes, known in object-oriented parlance as singletons, are restricted to having only 
one instance at a time.
To bind a ManagementObject to an instance of a singleton class such as Win32_WMISetting, you may assume 
that you can just use the class name as a path and let WMI figure out the rest. However, this approach does 
not quite work; as a result, the following code throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException:
ManagementObject mo = new ManagementObject("Win32_WMISetting");
Appending the equal sign right after the name of the class will not work either; doing so will just cause 
WMI to throw a ManagementException. It turns out that WMI has a special syntax to access singletons. 
As demonstrated by the following example, you have to use the @ placeholder as a property value:
ManagementObject mo = new ManagementObject("Win32_WMISetting=@");

During its initialization sequence, ManagementObject validates the object path that is passed as
a parameter to its constructor. To aid the validation, it uses another type, called ManagementPath, 
which is responsible for parsing the path string and breaking it up into the server, the namespace 
path, and object path components.The ManagementPath is a public type, and as such, you can create it 
manually and then feed it into an overloaded version of the ManagementObject constructor. In fact, 
this type offers a slew of useful properties and methods and, on occasion, using it may ease the 
process of binding the ManagementObject to a WMI class instance. The following code, for instance, 
does the same thing as the previous example:
ManagementPath mp = new ManagementPath();
mp.Server = "BCK_OFFICE";
mp.NamespacePath = @"/root/CIMV2";
mp.ClassName = "Win32_WMISetting";
ManagementObject mo = new ManagementObject(mp);

Here the properties of the ManagementPath instance are explicitly assigned and then the path is marked as a
singleton path using the SetAsSingleton method. This approach is cleaner and more readable because the 
ManagementPath object takes care of assembling a valid WMI object path and relieves the user of remembering 
the syntax details, such as separators and placeholder values.
Using the ManagementPath Type
I already mentioned that the ManagementObject type constructor creates an instance of ManagementPath 
internally, unless, of course, you pass it as a parameter. In either case, you can access the 
ManagementPath object, which is associated with a given instance of a ManagementObject, through the 
Path property of the ManagementObject type. Therefore, the code above could be rewritten as follows:

ManagementObject mo = new ManagementObject();
mo.Path.Server = 'BCK_OFFICE';
mo.Path.NamespacePath = @"/root/CIMV2";
mo.Path.ClassName = "Win32_WMISetting";
This approach is, perhaps, a little more concise, but otherwise it is no different 
from the previous one.
One other property of the ManagementPath type, which I already mentioned, is DefaultPath; 
this property contains the default server and namespace portions of the object path. 
As you may remember, the initial value of this property is automatically set to a hardcoded 
string, "//./root/CIMV2", when the type is first loaded. Because the DefaultPath is a static 
property that can be written into, if you set it manually before using the ManagementPath type, 
you will affect the default namespace settings for all the subsequently created management 
objects. Thus, to make the default namespace setting configurable via the system registry, you 
can use code similar to the following:
RegistryKey rk = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE/Microsoft/WBEM/Scripting");
ManagementPath.DefaultPath = new ManagementPath(rk.GetValue("Default Namespace").ToString());
This code first reads the static LocalMachine property of the Microsoft.Win32.Registry type to get
a reference to an instance of Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey type that is bound to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 
registry key. It then retrieves the reference to the SOFTWARE/Microsoft/WBEM/Scripting subkey using 
the OpenSubKey method of the RegistryKey. Finally, it assigns the value of the Default Namespace 
registry entry (obtained with the GetValue method of the RegistryKey type) to the ManagementPath type's 
static DefaultPath property.
然后通过RegistryKey的OpenSubKey方法来检索SOFTWARE/Microsoft/WBEM/Scripting子键。最终用Default Namespace键的值
The ManagementPath type has a few other properties that may come in handy when you are analyzing an 
arbitrary WMI object path. Using these properties, you can determine whether an object path refers to 
a class or an instance of a class and whether the object at which it points is a singleton. For instance, 
this snippet of code
ManagementPath mp = new ManagementPath("Win32_WMISetting=@");
Console.WriteLine("Class: {0}", mp.IsClass);
Console.WriteLine("Instance: {0}", mp.IsInstance);
Console.WriteLine("Singleton: {0}", mp.IsSingleton);
produces the following output on a console:
Class: False
Instance: True
Singleton: True
Implicit vs. Explicit Binding
Although the ManagementPath constructor and property set routines validate the object path, the scope of 
this validation only ensures that the path is compliant with the WMI object path syntax constraints. So, 
if a path contains the name of a nonexistent class, the ManagementPath type will not throw any exceptions. 
For instance, if the name of the class in the previous example is mistakenly entered as Win64_WMISetting 
rather than Win32_WMISetting, the code will still work perfectly and produce the same results. Moreover, 
if you try to create an instance of ManagementObject type based on an object path that references a 
nonexistent WMI class, you will succeed. However, the instance you get will be largely unusable and if 
you invoke its methods, a ManagementException will be thrown.

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