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A lot of people comment on the top of the my wife and my Wedding Cake. It has myself (wire-rim glasses, goatee, traditional Scotish Kilt and Sporin) and my wife (with Traditional African Kente Cloth designs and a matching flower arrangement.)
很多人在我妻子和我的婚礼蛋糕上发表评论。 它有我自己(金属框眼镜,山羊胡子,传统的苏格兰短裙和Sporin)和我的妻子(具有传统的非洲Kente布设计和相配的鲜花布置)。
They say, “How ever did you find a cake topper like that?” and I say “I googled for ‘Scottish Interracial Cake Topper‘ and well, the rest is history.” What kills me is, they usually assume I’m kidding.
他们说:“您怎么找到那样的蛋糕盖垫的呢?” 我说:“我在Google上搜索了’苏格兰肤色蛋糕礼帽‘,剩下的就是历史了。” 杀死我的是,他们通常以为我在开玩笑。
翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/just-exactly-how-powerful-is-google-just-what-can-you-find
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