windows7 loader怎么用_Windows命令行

windows7 loader怎么用_Windows命令行Supportedoperatingsystems:*Windows7Ultimate*Windows7Professional*Windows7HomePremium*Windows7HomeBasic*Windows7Start…

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Supported operating systems: 

* Windows 7 Ultimate 
* Windows 7 Professional 
* Windows 7 Home Premium 
* Windows 7 Home Basic 
* Windows 7 Starter 
* Windows Vista Ultimate 
* Windows Vista Business 
* Windows Vista Business N 
* Windows Vista Home Premium 
* Windows Vista Home Basic 
* Windows Vista Starter 
* Windows Server 2008 R2: Enterprise 
* Windows Server 2008 R2: Standard 
* Windows Server 2008 R2: Foundation 
* Windows Server 2008: Enterprise 
* Windows Server 2008: Standard 
* Windows Server 2008: Foundation 
* Windows Small Business Server 2008 

You must be running build 7600 or greater for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. 
Windows 7 N and E editions are not supported. 

You should first know if 7 Loader v1.9 works on your system, and if it does, what mode it works best under. 

You can then edit (below) the provided ‘Setupcomplete.cmd’ ($OEM$\$\Setup\Scripts) to your preference. 

If you want logos to be automatically installed according to the OEM info in your BIOS, check the ‘Logos’ folder for Info. 

Then copy your revised $OEM$ folder into the sources folder within your Windows 7 ISO. 

You should be able to edit your ISO with a program such as UltraIso or PowerISO. 

The executable is Windows 7 Loader v1.9 by Daz, and downloaded from his latest link. 

Direct download links for Windows 7 Retail Ultimate x86 or x64 are at the bottom of this Info for those interested. 


SetupComplete.cmd Example: 

%~dp0″Windows Loader.exe” /silent /preactivate 
cd %~dp0 
attrib -R -A -S -H *.* 
RMDIR /S /Q “%WINDIR%\Setup\Scripts” 

Turns on silent mode 

Restart the OS after install (used with /silent) 

Prevents system restart after successful installation 

This just helps the loader decide on it’s environment 

Modded Bios: 

Install just the certificate and serial 

Force the application to install the loader 

Install the loader without changing your systems boot code 

Set the Windows 7/2008/Vista key 

Set the certificate (use the name of a certificate from the certificates folder or from the SLIC list) 

Set the SLIC (Acer, Advent, Alienware, Asus, BenQ, Casper, Dell, Exper, Founder, FSC, Fujitsu, Gigabyte, Haier, Hasee, HCL, HP, Jooyon, Lenovo, LG, Medion, MSI, NEC, Nokia, Quanmax, Samsung, Sony, Tongfang, Toshiba, Trigem, Viliv, Wartmann) 

* If you don’t set the certificate it will default to your BIOS’s model 
* If you don’t set the SLIC it will default to your BIOS’s model 
* If you don’t set the key it will default to your BIOS’s model and the correct one for the OS (Ultimate, Professional, Starter or Home Premium) 
* You can use these arguments via SetupComplete.cmd to pre-activate Windows 7/Vista/Server 2008 
“D:\Windows Loader.exe” /silent /restart /k=342DG-6YJR8-X92GV-V7DCV-P4K27 /c=Acer /s=Acer 


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