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Capturing a waveform from an Agilent oscilloscope over a standard VISA interface

MATLAB is a software environment and programming language with over 1,000,000 users. MATLAB extends the functionality of Agilent oscilloscopes by enabling you to analyze and visualize live or acquired oscilloscope signals, make application-specific measurements, create and apply your own filters and equalization methods, and automate tests.

This example shows you how you can use MATLAB to control an Agilent oscilloscope, capture a waveform and grab a screenshot on the instrument. The user can customize the code to allow for different segment number of points, sample rates, etc. For more information on the SCPI commands used to control the instrument, refer to your instrument’s programmer’s guide.

To execute this example, type ‘SCPIScope’ in the MATLAB command window. Note: Change the VISA resource string in the SCPIScope.m file to the VISA address of the instrument, as obtained from Agilent Connection Expert.

This MATLAB example has been tested on an Agilent MSO6104A InfiniiVision oscilloscope but should work on most Agilent InfiniiVision 5000, 6000, and 7000 Series oscilloscopes. With minor modification, based on the SCPI commands available in your instrument’s programmer’s manual, it should work with the Infiniium 9000 and 90000 Series oscilloscopes, or Agilent InfiniiVision 1000 series, 2000-X series, 3000-X series, 4000-X series, etc.

Please refer to your instrument’s programmer’s manual for the complete list of SCPI commands of your specific instrument model. Modify this example accordingly if your instrument screen displays errors as you step through the code.

To learn more about using or purchasing MATLAB with Agilent oscilloscopes, visit:

To request your free trial of MATLAB and/or Instrument Control Toolbox, visit

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