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The eXtremeDB ODBC driver can connect to an eXtremeDB databasein two manners. The first (which we recommended) assumes that the driver actslike a Remote SQL client. This is a thin client that serializes SQL queries anddeserializes the results via a TCP connection to the eXtremeSQL server. Forexample, you may use the xsqlcmd utility or sample xsql, or a customapplication with SQL server enabled.
Secondly, the eXtremeDB ODBC driver can open a database locallyin shared memory. In this case a process which loads the ODBC driver in itsmemory space does direct access to the database in shared memory. In this casea crash of the application (or terminating it inside an opened transaction) cancause corruption of the database.
Both database access methods are described in “Chapter 7:McObject ODBC Driver” of the eXtremeSQL User Guide. Practically, themethod of database access depends on the string “DSN=…;” in the ODBCconfiguration file. If the DSN string has a TCP address semantic like ‘’or ‘localhost:5000’ (here the substring “:port_number” indicates anaddress), then the ODBC driver acts as a RemoteSQL client and tries to connectto the specified address. When the DSN string specifies just a name with no ‘:’symbol, the ODBC driver tries to connect to a local database in shared memoryby that name.
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