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#话不多说,直接上代码,有需要的小伙伴可以直接拿去用 import pygame import random import sys import time from pygame.locals import * # 从pygame模块导入常用的函数和常量 # 定义颜色变量 black_colour = pygame.Color(0, 0, 0) white_colour = pygame.Color(255, 255, 255) red_colour = pygame.Color(255, 0, 0) grey_colour = pygame.Color(150, 150, 150) # 定义游戏结束函数 def GameOver(gamesurface): # 设置提示字体的格式 GameOver_font = pygame.font.SysFont("MicrosoftYaHei", 16) # 设置提示字体的颜色 GameOver_colour = GameOver_font.render('Game Over', True, grey_colour) # 设置提示位置 GameOver_location = GameOver_colour.get_rect() GameOver_location.midtop = (320, 10) gamesurface.blit(GameOver_colour, GameOver_location) # 提示运行信息 pygame.display.flip() # 等待5秒 time.sleep(5) # 退出游戏 pygame.quit() # 退出程序 sys.exit() # 定义主函数 def main(): # 初始化pygame pygame.init() pygame.time.Clock() ftpsClock = pygame.time.Clock() # 创建一个窗口 gamesurface = pygame.display.set_mode((640, 480)) # 设置窗口的标题 pygame.display.set_caption('贪吃蛇~') # 初始化变量 # 初始化贪吃蛇的起始位置 snakeposition = [100, 100] # 初始化贪吃蛇的长度 snakelength = [[100, 100], [80, 100], [60, 100]] # 初始化目标方块的位置 square_purpose = [300, 300] # 初始化一个数来判断目标方块是否存在 square_position = 1 # 初始化方向,用来使贪吃蛇移动 derection = "right" change_derection = derection # 进行游戏主循环 while True: # 检测按键 for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == QUIT: # 退出程序 pygame.quit() sys.exit() elif event.type == KEYDOWN: # 判断按的键,用w,s,a,d来表示上下左右 if event.key == K_RIGHT or event.key == ord('d'): change_derection = "right" if event.key == K_LEFT or event.key == ord('a'): change_derection = "left" if event.key == K_UP or event.key == ord('w'): change_derection = "up" if event.key == K_DOWN or event.key == ord('s'): change_derection = "down" if event.key == K_ESCAPE: pygame.event.post(pygame.event.Event(QUIT)) # 判断移动的方向是否相反 if change_derection == 'left' and not derection == 'right': derection = change_derection if change_derection == 'right' and not derection == 'left': derection = change_derection if change_derection == 'up' and not derection == 'down': derection = change_derection if change_derection == 'down' and not derection == 'up': derection = change_derection # 根据方向,改变坐标 if derection == 'left': snakeposition[0] -= 20 if derection == 'right': snakeposition[0] += 20 if derection == 'up': snakeposition[1] -= 20 if derection == 'down': snakeposition[1] += 20 # 增加蛇的长度 snakelength.insert(0, list(snakeposition)) # 判断是否吃掉目标方块 if snakeposition[0] == square_purpose[0] and snakeposition[1] == square_purpose[1]: square_position = 0 else: snakelength.pop() # 重新生成目标方块 if square_position == 0: # 随机生成x,y,扩大二十倍,在窗口范围内 x = random.randrange(1, 32) y = random.randrange(1, 24) square_purpose = [int(x * 20), int(y * 20)] square_position = 1 # 绘制pygame显示层 gamesurface.fill(black_colour) for position in snakelength: pygame.draw.rect(gamesurface, white_colour, Rect(position[0], position[1], 20, 20)) pygame.draw.rect(gamesurface, red_colour, Rect(square_purpose[0], square_purpose[1], 20, 20)) # 刷新pygame显示层 pygame.display.flip() # 判断是否死亡 if snakeposition[0] < 0 or snakeposition[0] > 620: GameOver(gamesurface) if snakeposition[1] < 0 or snakeposition[1] > 460: GameOver(gamesurface) for snakebody in snakelength[1:]: if snakeposition[0] == snakebody[0] and snakeposition[1] == snakebody[1]: GameOver(gamesurface) # 控制游戏速度 ftpsClock.tick(5) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
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