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In our java application we are trying to get the unix time from the type 1 uuid.
But its not giving the correct date time values.
long time = uuid.timestamp();
time = time / 10000L; // Dividing by 10^4 as its in 100 nanoseconds precision
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
Can some one please help ?
Edit: Fixed the divisor(10^4)
From the docs for timestamp():
The resulting timestamp is measured in 100-nanosecond units since midnight, October 15, 1582 UTC.
So you need to offset it from that. For example:
Calendar uuidEpoch = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone(“UTC”));
uuidEpoch.set(1582, 9, 15, 0, 0, 0); // 9 = October
long epochMillis = uuidEpoch.getTime().getTime();
long time = (uuid.timestamp() / 10000L) + epochMillis;
// Rest of code as before
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