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  • 驱动对象



 1 typedef struct _DRIVER_OBJECT {  2  CSHORT Type;  3  CSHORT Size;  4  5 //  6 // The following links all of the devices created by a single driver  7 // together on a list, and the Flags word provides an extensible flag  8 // location for driver objects.  9 // 10 11 PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject;//每个驱动程序会有一个或多个设备对象,每个设备对象都有 12 //一个指针指向下一个设备对象,最后一个设备对象指向空。此处的DeviceObject指向驱动对象的第一个设备对象。 13 //通过DeviceObject,就可以遍历驱动对象里的所有设备对象。 14  ULONG Flags; 15 16 // 17 // The following section describes where the driver is loaded. The count 18 // field is used to count the number of times the driver has had its 19 // registered reinitialization routine invoked. 20 // 21 22  PVOID DriverStart; 23  ULONG DriverSize; 24  PVOID DriverSection; 25  PDRIVER_EXTENSION DriverExtension; 26 27 // 28 // The driver name field is used by the error log thread 29 // determine the name of the driver that an I/O request is/was bound. 30 // 31 32 UNICODE_STRING DriverName;//驱动程序的名字,一般为\Driver\[驱动程序名称] 33 34 // 35 // The following section is for registry support. Thise is a pointer 36 // to the path to the hardware information in the registry 37 // 38 39  PUNICODE_STRING HardwareDatabase; 40 41 // 42 // The following section contains the optional pointer to an array of 43 // alternate entry points to a driver for "fast I/O" support. Fast I/O 44 // is performed by invoking the driver routine directly with separate 45 // parameters, rather than using the standard IRP call mechanism. Note 46 // that these functions may only be used for synchronous I/O, and when 47 // the file is cached. 48 // 49 50  PFAST_IO_DISPATCH FastIoDispatch; 51 52 // 53 // The following section describes the entry points to this particular 54 // driver. Note that the major function dispatch table must be the last 55 // field in the object so that it remains extensible. 56 // 57 58  PDRIVER_INITIALIZE DriverInit; 59  PDRIVER_STARTIO DriverStartIo; 60  PDRIVER_UNLOAD DriverUnload; 61 PDRIVER_DISPATCH MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_MAXIMUM_FUNCTION + 1]; 62 63 } DRIVER_OBJECT;



  • 设备对象



 1 typedef struct DECLSPEC_ALIGN(MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ALIGNMENT) _DEVICE_OBJECT{  2  CSHORT Type;  3  USHORT Size;  4  LONG ReferenceCount;  5 struct _DRIVER_OBJECT *DriverObject;//指向驱动程序中的驱动对象。同属于一个驱动程序的设备  6 //对象指向的是统一的驱动对象  7 struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *NextDevice;//设备链中的下一个设备对象  8 struct _DEVICE_OBJECT *AttachedDevice;//通常指向的是过滤驱动的设备对象  9 struct _IRP *CurrentIrp;//使用StartIO例程的时候,指向正在处理的IRP包 10  PIO_TIMER Timer; 11 ULONG Flags; // See above: DO_... 12 ULONG Characteristics; // See ntioapi: FILE_... 13  __volatile PVPB Vpb; 14 PVOID DeviceExtension;//指向设备的扩展对象,被指向的这个结构体是由程序员自己定义的 15 DEVICE_TYPE DeviceType;//指明设备的类型,如果创建的是虚拟设备,应选择FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN 16  CCHAR StackSize; 17  union { 18  LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; 19  WAIT_CONTEXT_BLOCK Wcb; 20  } Queue; 21  ULONG AlignmentRequirement; 22  KDEVICE_QUEUE DeviceQueue; 23  KDPC Dpc; 24 25 // 26 // The following field is for exclusive use by the filesystem to keep 27 // track of the number of Fsp threads currently using the device 28 // 29 30  ULONG ActiveThreadCount; 31  PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor; 32  KEVENT DeviceLock; 33 34  USHORT SectorSize; 35  USHORT Spare1; 36 37 struct _DEVOBJ_EXTENSION *DeviceObjectExtension; 38  PVOID Reserved; 39 40 } DEVICE_OBJECT;



  • NT式驱动的基本结构





  • 创建设备对象
NTSTATUS IoCreateDevice( _In_ PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, _In_ ULONG DeviceExtensionSize, _In_opt_ PUNICODE_STRING DeviceName,//设备名用UNICODE字符串指定,且字符串必须是“\Device\[设备名]” _In_ DEVICE_TYPE DeviceType, _In_ ULONG DeviceCharacteristics, _In_ BOOLEAN Exclusive, _Out_ PDEVICE_OBJECT *DeviceObject );



NTSTATUS IoCreateSymbolicLink( _In_ PUNICODE_STRING SymbolicLinkName, _In_ PUNICODE_STRING DeviceName );


  • DriverUnload


  •  WinObj


