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allure –
Usage: allure [options] [command] [command options]
Print commandline help.
-q, –quiet
Switch on the quiet mode.
Default: false
-v, –verbose
Switch on the verbose mode.
Default: false
Print commandline version.
Default: false
generate Generate the report
Usage: generate [options] The directories with allure results
-c, –clean
Clean Allure report directory before generating a new one.
Default: false
Allure commandline config path. If specified overrides values from
–profile and –configDirectory.
Allure commandline configurations directory. By default uses
ALLURE_HOME directory.
Allure commandline configuration profile.
-o, –report-dir, –output
The directory to generate Allure report into.
Default: allure-report
serve Serve the report
Usage: serve [options] The directories with allure results
Allure commandline config path. If specified overrides values from
–profile and –configDirectory.
Allure commandline configurations directory. By default uses
ALLURE_HOME directory.
-h, –host
This host will be used to start web server for the report.
-p, –port
This port will be used to start web server for the report.
Default: 0
Allure commandline configuration profile.
open Open generated report
Usage: open [options] The report directory
-h, –host
This host will be used to start web server for the report.
-p, –port
This port will be used to start web server for the report.
Default: 0
plugin Generate the report
Usage: plugin [options]
Allure commandline config path. If specified overrides values from
–profile and –configDirectory.
Allure commandline configurations directory. By default uses
ALLURE_HOME directory.
Allure commandline configuration profile.
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