
[Drupal学习一]Drupal安装和基本配置[通俗易懂]1.从官方网站上下载drupal-6.16 http://drupal.org/drupal-6.162.将下载的压缩包文件直接解压,放到apache的站点目录中。此时drupal的路径为WEB-SERVER/drupal3.访问站点http://localhost:8888/drupal/将进入drupal的安装页面。此时会提醒我们要拷贝重命名.sites/default/de…

大家好,又见面了,我是你们的朋友全栈君。1. 从官方网站上下载drupal-6.16


2. 将下载的压缩包文件直接解压,放到apache的站点目录中。此时drupal的路径为WEB-SERVER/drupal

3. 访问站点http://localhost:8888/drupal/将进入drupal的安装页面。此时会提醒我们要拷贝重命名.sites/default/default.settings.php为.sites/default/settings.php。 之后刷新页面,继续后续的安装。

4. 在Mysql数据库中建立站点的数据库。此例中取名为drupal_test_site。再返回到drupal安装页面,输入相应的数据库名称及账户信息。点击保存并继续按钮进行数据库的部署。

5. 配置站点信息。包括站点名称 管理员账户信息等,再继续。

6. 如果没有意外,会显示drupal安装成功。



(2).访问站点Administer -> Site building -> Modules ->将Locale这个模块启用,点击保存按钮


7. visit the new site.

8. 第三方模块与核心模块


第三方模块可以从官网上下载 下载之后需要安装到drupal/sites/all/modules中。然后在站点中进行激活配置

如DHTML Menus


9. 添加自定义的菜单(Menu)后drupal会自动添加到Blocks里面去

可在菜单设置中设置菜单的关联 如一级菜单和二级菜单的关联

10. 站点名称、站点口号Slogan等站点的基本信息可以在Site information中设置。在Themes中设置是否显示口号等信息

11. 在durpal中添加Fckeditor



Note: this instruction assumes that you install FCKeditor in

sites/all/modules directory (recommended).

1. Unzip the files in the sites/all/modules directory. It should now

contain a fckeditor directory.

2. Download FCKeditor from http://ckeditor.com/download. Unzip the

contents of the fckeditor directory in the

sites/all/modules/fckeditor/fckeditor directory.

3. Enable the module as usual from Drupal’s admin pages.

4. Grant permissions for use of FCKeditor in

“Administer > User Management > Permissions”

Note: to enable the file browser, read also the

“How to enable the file browser” section.

5. Under “Administer > Site configuration > FCKeditor”, adjust

the fckeditor profiles. In each profile you can choose which textareas

will be replaced by FCKeditor, select default toolbar and configure

some more advanced settings.

6. For the Rich Text Editing to work you also need to configure your filters

for the users that may access Rich Text Editing.

Either grant those users Full HTML access or use the following tags:

<a> <p> <span> <div> <h1> <h2> <h3> <h4> <h5> <h6> <img> <map> <area> <hr>

<br> <br /> <ul> <ol> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> <table> <tr> <td> <em> <b> <u> <i> <strong>

<font> <del> <ins> <sub> <sup> <quote> <blockquote> <pre> <address> <code>

<cite> <embed> <object> <param> <strike> <caption>.

7. To have a better control over line breaks, you may disable Line break converter

in the chosen filter (recommended).

8. Modify the fckeditor.config.js file to custom your needs (optional).

You may copy the needed configuration lines from the default FCKeditor

configuration settings (sites/all/modules/fckeditor/fckeditor/fckconfig.js),

the lines in fckeditor.config.js will override most settings.

In fckeditor.config.js you may define your own toolbars with selected buttons.

WARNING: clear browser’s cache after you modify any of the javascript files.

If you don’t do this, you may notice that browser is ignoring all your changes.

12. 可以设置多个主题,主题都放在sites/all/themes中

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