下面是efi shell的帮助信息。你对比看看吧(我看了下,这里的根是 \ 符号)。
This command cd changes the current working directory that is used by the EFI Shell environment.
Convention Description
. Refers to the current directory.
.. Refers to the directory’s parent.
\ Refers to the root of the current driver mapping.
* To change the current filesystem to the mapped fs0 filesystem:
Shell> fs0:
* To change the current directory to the parent directory (fs0:\):
fs0:\efi\> cd ..
* To change the current directory to ‘fs0:\efi\tools’:
fs0:\> cd efi\tools
* To change the current directory to the root of the current fs
fs0:\efi\tools\> cd \
* To change volumes with cd will not work!! For example:
fs0:\efi\tools\> cd fs1:\ !!!! will not work !!!!
must first type fs1: then cd to desired directory
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