Struts2 漏洞信息汇总

Struts2 漏洞信息汇总官方链接如下:最近不出以外Struts2又又又一次被爆出RCE漏洞【S2-061Struts远程代码执行漏洞(CVE-2020-17530)】每次Struts2RCE漏洞爆发的时候都在想,如果有个地方能统一看一下Struts2的历史漏洞就好了,网上搜索了下居然没有,翻了下Struts2官网,终于找到了需要的内容截至本文发布时,所以已经爆出的Strut.



最近,不出意外Struts2 又双叒叕 一次被爆出RCE 漏洞【S2-061 Struts 远程代码执行漏洞(CVE-2020-17530)】
每次Struts2 RCE 漏洞爆发的时候都在想,如果有个地方能统一看一下Struts2 的历史漏洞就好了,网上搜索了下居然没有,翻了下Struts2 官网,终于找到了需要的内容

截至本文发布时,所以已经爆出的Struts2 漏洞如下

S2-001 — Remote code exploit on form validation error
S2-002 — Cross site scripting (XSS) vulnerability on <s:url> and <s:a> tags
S2-003 — XWork ParameterInterceptors bypass allows OGNL statement execution
S2-004 — Directory traversal vulnerability while serving static content
S2-005 — XWork ParameterInterceptors bypass allows remote command execution
S2-006 — Multiple Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in XWork generated error pages
S2-007 — User input is evaluated as an OGNL expression when there's a conversion error S2-008 — Multiple critical vulnerabilities in Struts2 S2-009 — ParameterInterceptor vulnerability allows remote command execution S2-010 — When using Struts 2 token mechanism for CSRF protection, token check may be bypassed by misusing known session attributes S2-011 — Long request parameter names might significantly promote the effectiveness of DOS attacks S2-012 — Showcase app vulnerability allows remote command execution S2-013 — A vulnerability, present in the includeParams attribute of the URL and Anchor Tag, allows remote command execution S2-014 — A vulnerability introduced by forcing parameter inclusion in the URL and Anchor Tag allows remote command execution, session access and manipulation and XSS attacks S2-015 — A vulnerability introduced by wildcard matching mechanism or double evaluation of OGNL Expression allows remote command execution. S2-016 — A vulnerability introduced by manipulating parameters prefixed with "action:"/"redirect:"/"redirectAction:" allows remote command execution S2-017 — A vulnerability introduced by manipulating parameters prefixed with "redirect:"/"redirectAction:" allows for open redirects S2-018 — Broken Access Control Vulnerability in Apache Struts2 S2-019 — Dynamic Method Invocation disabled by default S2-020 — Upgrade Commons FileUpload to version 1.3.1 (avoids DoS attacks) and adds 'class' to exclude params in ParametersInterceptor (avoid ClassLoader manipulation) S2-021 — Improves excluded params in ParametersInterceptor and CookieInterceptor to avoid ClassLoader manipulation S2-022 — Extends excluded params in CookieInterceptor to avoid manipulation of Struts' internals
S2-023 — Generated value of token can be predictable
S2-024 — Wrong excludeParams overrides those defined in DefaultExcludedPatternsChecker
S2-025 — Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability in Debug Mode and in exposed JSP files
S2-026 — Special top object can be used to access Struts' internals
S2-027 — TextParseUtil.translateVariables does not filter malicious OGNL expressions
S2-028 — Use of a JRE with broken URLDecoder implementation may lead to XSS vulnerability in Struts 2 based web applications.
S2-029 — Forced double OGNL evaluation, when evaluated on raw user input in tag attributes, may lead to remote code execution.
S2-030 — Possible XSS vulnerability in I18NInterceptor
S2-031 — XSLTResult can be used to parse arbitrary stylesheet
S2-032 — Remote Code Execution can be performed via method: prefix when Dynamic Method Invocation is enabled.
S2-033 — Remote Code Execution can be performed when using REST Plugin with ! operator when Dynamic Method Invocation is enabled.
S2-034 — OGNL cache poisoning can lead to DoS vulnerability
S2-035 — Action name clean up is error prone
S2-036 — Forced double OGNL evaluation, when evaluated on raw user input in tag attributes, may lead to remote code execution (similar to S2-029)
S2-037 — Remote Code Execution can be performed when using REST Plugin.
S2-038 — It is possible to bypass token validation and perform a CSRF attack
S2-039 — Getter as action method leads to security bypass
S2-040 — Input validation bypass using existing default action method.
S2-041 — Possible DoS attack when using URLValidator
S2-042 — Possible path traversal in the Convention plugin
S2-043 — Using the Config Browser plugin in production
S2-044 — Possible DoS attack when using URLValidator
S2-045 — Possible Remote Code Execution when performing file upload based on Jakarta Multipart parser.
S2-046 — Possible RCE when performing file upload based on Jakarta Multipart parser (similar to S2-045)
S2-047 — Possible DoS attack when using URLValidator (similar to S2-044)
S2-048 — Possible RCE in the Struts Showcase app in the Struts 1 plugin example in Struts 2.3.x series
S2-049 — A DoS attack is available for Spring secured actions
S2-050 — A regular expression Denial of Service when using URLValidator (similar to S2-044 & S2-047)
S2-051 — A remote attacker may create a DoS attack by sending crafted xml request when using the Struts REST plugin
S2-052 — Possible Remote Code Execution attack when using the Struts REST plugin with XStream handler to handle XML payloads
S2-053 — A possible Remote Code Execution attack when using an unintentional expression in Freemarker tag instead of string literals
S2-054 — A crafted JSON request can be used to perform a DoS attack when using the Struts REST plugin
S2-055 — A RCE vulnerability in the Jackson JSON library
S2-056 — A crafted XML request can be used to perform a DoS attack when using the Struts REST plugin
S2-057 — Possible Remote Code Execution when alwaysSelectFullNamespace is true (either by user or a plugin like Convention Plugin) and then: results are used with no namespace and in same time, its upper package have no or wildcard namespace and similar to results, same possibility when using url tag which doesn’t have value and action set and in same time, its upper package have no or wildcard namespace.
S2-058 — Previous Security Bulletins contained incorrect affected release version ranges.
S2-059 — Forced double OGNL evaluation, when evaluated on raw user input in tag attributes, may lead to remote code execution.
S2-060 — Access permission override causing a Denial of Service when performing a file upload
S2-061 — Forced OGNL evaluation, when evaluated on raw user input in tag attributes, may lead to remote code execution - similar to S2-059.
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