CompareTo Semantics[通俗易懂]

CompareTo Semantics[通俗易懂]ForthepropertytypesotherthanBOOLEAN,NAME,PATHandBINARY,comparisonrelationsaredefinedintermsoftheresultofthecompareTomethodoninstancesV1andV2oftheJavaclasscorrespondingto


For the property types other than BOOLEAN, NAME, PATH and BINARY, comparison relationsare defined in terms of the result of the compareTo method oninstances V1 and V2 of the Java classcorresponding to the JCR property type (see each section below for the relevantclass). For those types:

·        V1 is equal to V2if and only if V1.compareTo(V2) == 0.

·        V1 is ordered before V2if and only if V1.compareTo(V2) < 0.

·        V1 is ordered after V2if and only if V1.compareTo(V2) > 0.


If V1and V2 are values of type STRING, URI, REFERENCE or WEAKREFERENCE then the repository shoulduse the semantics of java.lang.String.compareTo, as described in CompareToSemantics.


If V1and V2 are values of type DATE then the repository mustuse the semantics of java.lang.Calendar.compareTo, as described in  CompareToSemantics.


If V1and V2 are values of type DOUBLE then the repository mustuse the semantics of java.lang.Double.compareTo, as described in CompareToSemantics.


If V1and V2 are values of type LONG then the repository mustuse the semantics of java.lang.Long.compareTo, as described in  CompareToSemantics.


If V1and V2 are values of type DECIMAL then the repository mustuse the semantics of java.lang.BigDecimal.compareTo, as described in  CompareToSemantics.


If V1and V2 are values of type BOOLEAN then

·        V1 is equal to V2if and only if V1 == V2.

·        V1 is ordered before V2if and only if V1 == false and V2 == true.

·        V1 is ordered after V2if and only if V1 == true and V2 == false.


If V1and V2 are values of type NAME and V1 = (N1, L1) and V2= (N2, L2) where N1 and N2 are JCR namespaces and L1 and L2are JCR local names then

·        V1 is equal to V2if and only if N1 is equalto N2 and L1 is equal to L2, according to thesemantics of String.compareTo (see §3.2.7Equality of Names).

·        Ordering isimplementation-specific. The only requirement is that a total order on values of type NAME must be defined,meaning that if V1 and V2 are not equal then either V1 is ordered before V2 or V1 is ordered after V2.


If V1and V2 are values of type PATH then

·        V1 is equal to V2if and only if V1 and V2 are segment-equal (see §3.3.8 Equalityof Paths).

·        Ordering isimplementation-specific. The only requirement is that a total order on values of type PATH must be defined,meaning that if V1 and V2 are not equal then either V1 is ordered before V2 or V1 is ordered after V2.


If V1and V2 are values of type BINARY and given,

·        V1 is equal to V2if and only if V1 and V2 are bitwise equivalent.

·        Ordering is implementation-specific.

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