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I must mention that I went through this question Best soap tutorials (it mostly focuses on Android and my work is in plain Java not Android)and I am very much aware that SOAP is a protocol not an API. It would be great if someone could direct me to some tutorial or example in Java for using any SOAP based API. I am working on the EB eye search API http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/webservices/services/eb-eye There doesnt exist any REST API implementation so I have to go with SOAP API. ANY help would be appreciated.
As I see on the site pointed by you, they mention axis for java. I would recommend using the Axis SOAP library also for the client to make sure nothing slips by. The comprehensive guide for Axis can be found here. A simple step-by-step tutorial to get you started can be found here – I suppose you are interested only in the client part of the story.
I think with the API that you want to use it is even easier:
Using Axis:
just download the java class of the client.
Then the jar
Satisfy the requirements: add this in the classpath
Using JAX-WS:
just download the java class of the client.
Then the jar
Satisfy the requirements: add this in the classpath
I hope it helps you. Good luck!
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