静态网站(博客)生成器Static Site Generators(SSGs)大集合

静态网站(博客)生成器Static Site Generators(SSGs)大集合这是一份静态网站生成器的推荐集合,按开发语言或者平台分类和排序,大家各取所需。如果大家有用什么新的静态网站生成器未在本文章中列出,麻烦在评论中说下,我会不断更新该集合。ClojureCryogen-Asimple,static,automatedCMSshippedasatemplateonLeiningen,aClojurebuildtool.misak…




Cryogen – A simple, static, automated CMS shipped as a template on Leiningen, a Clojure build tool. misaki – A Jekyll-inspired blog built in Clojure.


Fugitive – A blog engine running on top of git using hooks to generate static html pages.


Gostatic – A static site generator written in Go that tracks changes and works fast.

Hugo – Flexibly works with many formats and is ideal for blogs, docs, portfolios and more.


Hakyll – A Haskell library that creates fast and secure small-to-medium sites and personal blogs.

yst – Generates static sites by filling string templates with data from YAML or CSV text files or SQLite 3 file-based databases.


JBake – Structure your content any way you see fit with a Java-based site/blog generator.


Coleslaw – Aims to be flexible blogware that replaces single-user static compilers like Jekyll.


Blacksmith – Uses weld, jsdom and marked to turn JSON, Markdown and HTML/CSS into “awesome” static sites.

Codex – A simple tool built in Jade and themed in Stylus that uses Markdown documents.

DocPad – Allows for content management via the file system, rendering via plugins, and static site generation for deployment anywhere.

Harp – Harp serves Jade, Markdown, EJS, CoffeeScript, Sass, LESS and Stylus as HTML, CSS & JavaScript—no configuration necessary.

Hexo – A Node.js powered generator that supports multi-thread generating, allowing it to process hundreds of files in seconds.

Metalsmith – An extremely simple site generator with logic completely handled by plugins.

Poet – A blog generator in node.js that renders “markdown/jade/whatever posts” fast.

Punch – Create simple, intuitive sites with a publishing framework built for ease-of-use.

Roots – A light, super fast and intuitive static build system made for front end development and web apps.

Wintersmith – A flexible, multi-platform static site generator built on top of node.js.


Blosxom – A full-featured weblog application with a tiny footprint.

Dapper – Distributed as a Perl module, Dapper is a flexible (and fast) tool for creating static websites.


Dropplets – Write and publish content with Markdown, while cuttings all the clutter.

Phrozn – Static site generator written and extensible in PHP, designed with extensibility in mind.

PieCrust – A static site generator and lightweight CMS that’s all managed with text files.

Second Crack – “Unsuitable and unnecessary for nearly everyone,” but Marco Arment wrote and uses it to power Marco.org.

Sculpin – Converts Markdown, Twig templates or standard HTML into static HTML sites.

Stacey – A lightweight content management system managed simply by creating folders and editing text files.

Templeet – Can easily generate HTML, CSS, SVG pictures, SMIL and text files.

Tempo – Uses PHP-based templates, test files and images to build static HTML sites.


acrylamid – A static blog generator with incremental rendering.

Blatter – Uses dynamic templates and copied-over static files to create and publish static sites.

Blogofile – A simple blogging engine using Python that requires no database and no special hosting environment.

Cactus – A powerful static site builder using Python and the Django template system.

Chisel – An incredibly lightweight (less than 8kb) blog generation utility.

Flask – A micro-framework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jija 2 and “good intentions.”

Hyde – Generates static websites with Python and Django that provide instant refresh and tons of flexibility.

ikiwiki – Converts wiki pages into HTML pages for simple publishing.

Jinja – A widely used and BSD licensed template engine for Python.

Letterpress – A minimal blogging system built for a better writing experience.

Mako – A template library written in Python that’s used by Reddit to deliver “over a billion page views per month.”

Mynt – Designed to give all the features of a CMS with none of the rigid implementations.

Nikola – A themable, flexible static site and blog generator with a tidy codebase

PyGreen – Put all the files in a server, then it invokes the Mako template engine on all HTML files.

Pelican – Creates completely static output that requires no database or server-side logic.

Poole – A Markdown-driven static site generator that creates simple sites with navigation menus.

Radpress – “A simple blog application for Djangonauts.”

Socrates – A simple static site generator geared towards blogging.

Sphinx – Makes it easy to create “intelligent and beautiful documentation.”

Static Ninja – A library for easily deploying static sites using the jinja2 templating language.

Wok – Similar to Jekyll, Hyde and nanoc, but with a restricted focus of features.


Assemble – The static site generator for Grunt.js, Yeoman and Node.js.

:awestruct – A framework for creating static HTML files, inspired by Jekyll.

Bonsai – Creates dynamic websites that focus on well-defined hierarchies without the need of a database or admin interface.

Frank – Builds static sites using Tilt, with support for Haml & Sass, LESS, Builder, ERB, and Liquid.

Hobix – A Ruby-based site generator for users who are “able to do a triple front-flip without using your legs at all.” Or else “you will go to Federal prison.”

Jekyll – A “blog-aware” tool that quickly transforms your plain text (or Markdown) into static websites.

Middleman – Uses all the shortcuts and tools in modern web development to generate static sites.

MObtvse – A blogging platform for people who want a clean web interface for creating Markdown posts.

Nanoc – Creates static sites of all kind with support for free-form metadata, various markup/templating languages and more.

NestaCMS – Simple, easy code for developers and designers that is easily extended using the Sinatra web framework.

Octopress – A “blog aware” static site generator based on mojombo/jekyll.

Ruhoh – Similar to Jekyll and Nanoc, while giving you the tools to “publish websites like a BOSS.”

Stasis – A powerful static website generator using Ruby.

Toto – “The 10 second blog-engine for hackers.”

Webby – Uses your favorite markup language to combine the contents of a page with a layout to produce HTML

Webgen – Lets you concentrate on writing content with support for any markup and built-in helper tools.


Monkeyman – A static site generator similar to Middleman that’s built in Scala.

Not static, but in the same universe

Kirby – A PHP-built CMS that’s “easy to setup, easy to use, flexible as hell.”

Statamic – A flat-file CMS built on PHP with a beautiful and responsive control panel designed with clients in mind.


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