JAVA HD 101_HD101

JAVA HD 101_HD101Model:HD101HD101isamasterbatchforuseasanucleatingagentingas-injectionapplications.ItisspeciallydesignedforeasyincorporationintoinsulationrawmaterialcompoundforprocessingPhys…



HD101 is a masterbatch for use as a nucleating agent in gas-injection applications. It is specially designed for easy incorporation into insulation raw material compound for processing Physical Foaming Insulated RG series coaxial cables. The compound consists of base resin and more than 4 kinds of other supporting agents such as Stabilizer, Activator, foamable antioxidant and expander. When used correctly, it allows the formation of small, uniformly distributed cells.

Physical Properties

1. Gas Production dddddddd250cm3/10gdd(200℃)

2. Processing Temperatured170-215℃3.Expansion Degree               40-80%

Processing TechniquesHD101 is designed to be extruded with LDPE or HDPE gas injection compounds for processing physical foaming insulated coaxial cables. It is normally added at 1-3% masterbatch concentration into a blend of 60-80% HDPE and 20-40% LDPE.While the exact temperature profile required will depend upon the screw design and construction being made, the following extrusion temperature profile represents a good starting point:

Feed Zone :         140℃to 150℃Transition Zone :     170℃to 180℃Gas injection point :   170℃to 190℃Metering Zone :      140℃to 170℃(depending on insulation diameter)

Crosshead and die :   130℃to 190℃(depending on insulation diameter)


Form:       pellets

Package:     25 kg bags

They should be stored in a dry and cool area.

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