



一 前言

先来了解下操作XML所涉及到的几个类及之间的关系  如果大家发现少写了一些常用的方法,麻烦在评论中指出,我一定会补上的!谢谢大家

* 1 XMLElement 主要是针对节点的一些属性进行操作
* 2 XMLDocument 主要是针对节点的CUID操作
* 3 XMLNode 为抽象类,做为以上两类的基类,提供一些操作节点的方法



<span role="heading" aria-level="2">C#操作XML方法集合



二 具体操作(C#)

  以下会对Xml的结点与属性做增 删 改 查的操作也满足了实际工作中的大部分情况 



 1 public void CreatXmlTree(string xmlPath)  2  {  3 XElement xElement = new XElement(  4 new XElement("BookStore",  5 new XElement("Book",  6 new XElement("Name", "C#入门", new XAttribute("BookName", "C#")),  7 new XElement("Author", "Martin", new XAttribute("Name", "Martin")),  8 new XElement("Adress", "上海"),  9 new XElement("Date", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) 10  ), 11 new XElement("Book", 12 new XElement("Name", "WCF入门", new XAttribute("BookName", "WCF")), 13 new XElement("Author", "Mary", new XAttribute("Name", "Mary")), 14 new XElement("Adress", "北京"), 15 new XElement("Date", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) 16  ) 17  ) 18  ); 19 20 //需要指定编码格式,否则在读取时会抛:根级别上的数据无效。 第 1 行 位置 1异常 21 XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); 22 settings.Encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false); 23 settings.Indent = true; 24 XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(xmlPath,settings); 25  xElement.Save(xw); 26 //写入文件 27  xw.Flush(); 28  xw.Close(); 29 }



 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  2 <BookStore>  3 <Book>  4 <Name BookName="C#">C#入门</Name>  5 <Author Name="Martin">Martin</Author>  6 <Date>2013-10-11</Date>  7 <Adress>上海</Adress>  8 <Date>2013-10-11</Date>  9 </Book> 10 <Book> 11 <Name BookName="WCF">WCF入门</Name> 12 <Author Name="Mary">Mary</Author> 13 <Adress>北京</Adress> 14 <Date>2013-10-11</Date> 15 </Book> 16 </BookStore>



2.1 新增节点与属性


 1 public void Create(string xmlPath)  2  {  3 XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();  4  xmlDoc.Load(xmlPath);  5  6 var root = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;//取到根结点  7 XmlNode newNode = xmlDoc.CreateNode("element", "NewBook", "");  8 newNode.InnerText = "WPF";  9 10 //添加为根元素的第一层子结点 11  root.AppendChild(newNode); 12  xmlDoc.Save(xmlPath); 13 }



 1 //属性  2 public void CreateAttribute(string xmlPath)  3  {  4 XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();  5  xmlDoc.Load(xmlPath);  6 var root = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;//取到根结点  7 XmlElement node = (XmlElement)xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("BookStore/NewBook");  8 node.SetAttribute("Name", "WPF");  9  xmlDoc.Save(xmlPath); 10 11 }



<span role="heading" aria-level="2">C#操作XML方法集合


2.2 删除节点与属性

 1 public void Delete(string xmlPath)  2  {  3 XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();  4  xmlDoc.Load(xmlPath);  5 var root = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;//取到根结点  6  7 var element = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("BookStore/NewBook");  8  root.RemoveChild(element);  9  xmlDoc.Save(xmlPath); 10 }


 1 public void DeleteAttribute(string xmlPath)  2  {  3 XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();  4  xmlDoc.Load(xmlPath);  5 XmlElement node = (XmlElement)xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("BookStore/NewBook");  6 //移除指定属性  7 node.RemoveAttribute("Name");  8 //移除当前节点所有属性,不包括默认属性  9 //node.RemoveAllAttributes(); 10  xmlDoc.Save(xmlPath); 11 }


2.3 修改节点与属性



1 public void ModifyAttribute(string xmlPath) 2  { 3 XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); 4  xmlDoc.Load(xmlPath); 5 XmlElement element = (XmlElement)xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("BookStore/NewBook"); 6 element.SetAttribute("Name", "Zhang"); 7  xmlDoc.Save(xmlPath); 8 }


<span role="heading" aria-level="2">C#操作XML方法集合

2.4 获取节点与属性

 1 public void Select(string xmlPath)  2  {  3 XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();  4  xmlDoc.Load(xmlPath);  5 //取根结点  6 var root = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;//取到根结点  7 //取指定的单个结点  8 XmlNode oldChild = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("BookStore/NewBook");  9 10 //取指定的结点的集合 11 XmlNodeList nodes = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("BookStore/NewBook"); 12 13 //取到所有的xml结点 14 XmlNodeList nodelist = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("*"); 15 }


1 public void SelectAttribute(string xmlPath) 2  { 3 XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); 4  xmlDoc.Load(xmlPath); 5 XmlElement element = (XmlElement)xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("BookStore/NewBook"); 6 string name = element.GetAttribute("Name"); 7  Console.WriteLine(name); 8 }



三  具体操作 (linq to XML)

 Linq to Xml 也没什么变化只操作对象改变了主要涉及的几个对象如下   注:我并没有用linq的语法去操作元素



以下是对Xml的 一些简单的操作

3.1 新增节点与属性

1 public void Create(string xmlPath) 2  { 3 XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(xmlPath); 4 XElement xElement = xDoc.Element("BookStore"); 5 xElement.Add(new XElement("Test", new XAttribute("Name", "Zery"))); 6  xDoc.Save(xmlPath); 7 }


 1 public void CreateAttribute(string xmlPath)  2  {  3 XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(xmlPath);  4 IEnumerable<XElement> xElement = xDoc.Element("BookStore").Elements("Book");  5 foreach (var element in xElement)  6  {  7 element.SetAttributeValue("Name", "Zery");  8  }  9  xDoc.Save(xmlPath); 10 }


3.2 删除节点与属性

1 public void Delete(string xmlPath) 2  { 3 XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(xmlPath); 4 XElement element = (XElement)xDoc.Element("BookStore").Element("Book"); 5  element.Remove(); 6  xDoc.Save(xmlPath); 7 }


1 public void DeleteAttribute(string xmlPath) 2  { 3 XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(xmlPath); 4 //不能跨级取节点 5 XElement element = xDoc.Element("BookStore").Element("Book").Element("Name"); 6 element.Attribute("BookName").Remove(); 7  xDoc.Save(xmlPath); 8 }

3.3 修改节点属性



1 public void ModifyAttribute(string xmlPath) 2  { 3 XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(xmlPath); 4 XElement element = xDoc.Element("BookStore").Element("Book"); 5 element.SetAttributeValue("BookName","ZeryTest"); 6  xDoc.Save(xmlPath); 7 }


 四 总结





Demo 源码

<span role="heading" aria-level="2">C#操作XML方法集合
<span role="heading" aria-level="2">C#操作XML方法集合

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Xml; using System.Web; using System.Xml.Linq; namespace XMLOperation { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { /*=============Linq 读写XML==================*/ string wxmlPath = @"F:\XmlTest\test.xml"; XmlWriteReadLinqOperation writeReadLinq = new XmlWriteReadLinqOperation(); // writeReadLinq.WriteXml(wxmlPath);  writeReadLinq.CreatXmlTree(wxmlPath); //string xmlPath = @"F:\XML.xml"; string xmlPath = @"C:\Users\zery.zhang\Desktop\ProjectDemo\XML.xml"; /* * 1 三者之间的关系用图画出 * 2 XMLElement 主要是针对节点的一些属性进行操作 * 3 XMLDocument 主要是针对节点的CUID操作 * 4 XMLNode 为抽象类,做为以上两类的基类,提供一些操作节点的方法 */ //===========C# to Xml==========//  XmlOperation xmlOperation = new XmlOperation(); //xmlOperation.Create(xmlPath); //xmlOperation.CreateAttribute(xmlPath); //xmlOperation.Delete(xmlPath); //xmlOperation.DeleteAttribute(xmlPath); //xmlOperation.Modify(xmlPath); //xmlOperation.ModifyAttribute(xmlPath); //xmlOperation.Select(xmlPath); //xmlOperation.SelectAttribute(xmlPath); /*=============Linq to Xml===========*/ XmlOperationToLinq xOperation = new XmlOperationToLinq(); // xOperation.Create(xmlPath); /* *1 给指定的XML节点的所有子节点增加一个节点,并增加属性 *2 删除指定节点的子节点的指定属性 *3 */ string lxmlPath = @"F:\XmlTest\test.xml"; xOperation.Create(lxmlPath); xOperation.CreateAttribute(lxmlPath); //xperation.Delete(lxmlPath); //xOperation.DeleteAttribute(lxmlPath); // xOperation.ModifyAttribute(lxmlPath); /*=============C# 读写XML===============*/ XmlWriteReadOperation writeRead = new XmlWriteReadOperation(); Console.Read(); } } class XmlOperation { public void Create(string xmlPath) { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(xmlPath); var root = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;//取到根结点  XmlNode newNode = xmlDoc.CreateNode("element", "Name", ""); newNode.InnerText = "Zery"; //添加为根元素的第一层子结点  root.AppendChild(newNode); xmlDoc.Save(xmlPath); } //属性 public void CreateAttribute(string xmlPath) { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(xmlPath); XmlElement node = (XmlElement)xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("Collection/Book"); node.SetAttribute("Name", "C#"); xmlDoc.Save(xmlPath); } public void Delete(string xmlPath) { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(xmlPath); var root = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;//取到根结点 var element = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("Collection/Name"); root.RemoveChild(element); xmlDoc.Save(xmlPath); } public void DeleteAttribute(string xmlPath) { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(xmlPath); XmlElement node = (XmlElement)xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("Collection/Book"); //移除指定属性 node.RemoveAttribute("Name"); //移除当前节点所有属性,不包括默认属性  node.RemoveAllAttributes(); xmlDoc.Save(xmlPath); } public void Modify(string xmlPath) { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(xmlPath); var root = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;//取到根结点 XmlNodeList nodeList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/Collection/Book"); //xml不能直接更改结点名称,只能复制然后替换,再删除原来的结点 foreach (XmlNode node in nodeList) { var xmlNode = (XmlElement)node; xmlNode.SetAttribute("ISBN", "Zery"); } xmlDoc.Save(xmlPath); } public void ModifyAttribute(string xmlPath) { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(xmlPath); XmlElement element = (XmlElement)xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("Collection/Book"); element.SetAttribute("Name", "Zhang"); xmlDoc.Save(xmlPath); } public void Select(string xmlPath) { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(xmlPath); //取根结点 var root = xmlDoc.DocumentElement;//取到根结点 //取指定的单个结点 XmlNode singleNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("Collection/Book"); //取指定的结点的集合 XmlNodeList nodes = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("Collection/Book"); //取到所有的xml结点 XmlNodeList nodelist = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("*"); } public void SelectAttribute(string xmlPath) { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(xmlPath); XmlElement element = (XmlElement)xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("Collection/Book"); string name = element.GetAttribute("Name"); } } class XmlOperationToLinq { //其它操作 public void OtherOperaton() { //加文件头  } public void Create(string xmlPath) { XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(xmlPath); XElement xElement = xDoc.Element("BookStore"); xElement.Add(new XElement("Test", new XAttribute("Name", "Zery"))); xDoc.Save(xmlPath); } public void CreateAttribute(string xmlPath) { XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(xmlPath); IEnumerable<XElement> xElement = xDoc.Element("BookStore").Elements("Book"); foreach (var element in xElement) { element.SetAttributeValue("Name", "Zery"); } xDoc.Save(xmlPath); } public void Delete(string xmlPath) { XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(xmlPath); XElement element = (XElement)xDoc.Element("BookStore").Element("Book"); element.Remove(); xDoc.Save(xmlPath); } public void DeleteAttribute(string xmlPath) { XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(xmlPath); //不能跨级取节点 XElement element = xDoc.Element("BookStore").Element("Book").Element("Name"); element.Attribute("BookName").Remove(); xDoc.Save(xmlPath); } public void ModifyAttribute(string xmlPath) { XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(xmlPath); XElement element = xDoc.Element("BookStore").Element("Book"); element.SetAttributeValue("BookName","ZeryTest"); xDoc.Save(xmlPath); } } internal class XmlWriteReadOperation { } class XmlWriteReadLinqOperation { public void CreatXmlTree(string xmlPath) { XElement xElement = new XElement( new XElement("BookStore", new XElement("Book", new XElement("Name", "C#入门", new XAttribute("BookName", "C#")), new XElement("Author", "Martin", new XAttribute("Name", "Martin")), new XElement("Adress", "上海"), new XElement("Date", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) ), new XElement("Book", new XElement("Name", "WCF入门", new XAttribute("BookName", "WCF")), new XElement("Author", "Mary", new XAttribute("Name", "Mary")), new XElement("Adress", "北京"), new XElement("Date", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) ) ) ); //需要指定编码格式,否则在读取时会抛:根级别上的数据无效。 第 1 行 位置 1异常 XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings(); settings.Encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false); settings.Indent = true; XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(xmlPath,settings); xElement.Save(xw); //写入文件  xw.Flush(); xw.Close(); } public void WriteXml(string xmlPath) { XElement xElement = new XElement( new XElement("Store", new XElement("Book", "技术类", new XElement("Name", "C#入门", new XAttribute("BookName", "C#")), new XElement("Author", "Martin", new XAttribute("Name", "Zery")), new XComment("以下为注释"),//xml注释 new XElement("Date", DateTime.Now.ToString(), new XAttribute("PublicDate", DateTime.Now.ToString())) )) ); XmlWriter xw = XmlWriter.Create(xmlPath); //保存到XmlWriter  xElement.Save(xw); //写入文件  xw.Flush(); xw.Close(); } } }

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