FGC 2012

FGC 2012JournalSpecialIssuesDistinguishedselectedpapersacceptedandpresentedinFGC2012,afterfurtherextensionandrevisions,willbepublishedinspecialissuesofthefollowingprestigiousSCI-Inde


The Third International Workshop on Frontier of GPU Computing (FGC 2011)  
FGC 2012
Advanced Programme
Organizing Committee
Programme Committee
Call for Papers
Important Dates
HPCC 2012

Journal Special Issues

Distinguished selected papers accepted and presented in FGC 2012, after further extension and revisions, will be published in special issues of the following prestigious SCI-Indexed Journals:
– Future Generation Computer Systems – Elsevier
– Journal of Computer and System Science – Elsevier
– Journal of Supercomputing – Springer
– Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience – John Wiley & Sons
– Telecommunication Systems – Springer
– The Computer Journal – The British Computer Society
– Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory – Elsevier
– Journal of Systems Architecture – Elsevier


We are undergoing a new revolution on parallel processor technologies, especially the Graphic Processing Units. GPUs have become widely used nowadays to accelerate a broad range of applications, including computational finance, numerical computing, image/video processing, engineering simulations, quantum chemistry, just to name a few.

The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss and share their research and development experiences and outputs on the massively parallel GPU platforms, software development tools, optimization techniques, parallel algorithm design, and all kinds of successful applications. We solicit original and previously unpublished papers addressing research challenges and advances towards the design, implementation and evaluation of massively parallel GPU computing. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

– Applications on GPU Computing
– Heterogeneous Computing
– Performance Modeling and Benchmarking
– Multi-core and Many-core Processor Architectures
– Parallel Programming Languages and Compilers
– Middleware and Libraries
– Parallel and Distributed Algorithms on GPU clusters
– Self-configuration and Fault-tolerance
– Green Computing 
– GPU Clouds


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