


1. CANoe Variants

版本 功能描述
CANoe pex: As a Project Execution variant with an exclusively graphic user interface. Simulation, test cases and results are easy to control without requiring special evaluation of the underlying messages.
CANoe run: As a Runtime variant with unchangeable configurations, full analysis functions and simple connection and disconnection of network nodes. This variant is intended for users who wish to test their ECU quickly and easily in interaction with a prescribed remaining bus simulation.
CANoe full version: Full range of functional features. Simulation models are created with CAPL; test cases are easy to model with the Test Feature Set. This variant is intended for users who want to use CANoe’s full functionality.

2. CANalyzer Variants

版本 功能描述
CANalyzer fun: The Fundamental variant is suitable for simple analyses, and it provides all interactive standard functions for this purpose. However, it does not offer programmability, diagnostic functions or user control panels.
CANalyzer exp: The Expert variant is ideal for all standard applications, and it provides all functions and extensions without limitation. However, this variant does not support creating and executing CAPL programs.
CANalyzer pro: The Professional variant offers unlimited access to all functions and extensions. This variant supports all applications from simple observation of bus traffic to complex analysis and stimulation of heterogeneous systems.


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