sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install flex-old bison build-essential
mkdir $NAME
cd $NAME
wget http://csrl.unt.edu/downloads/$PACKAGE.tgz
tar xvfz $PACKAGE.tgz
export CC=”gcc”
export HOST=i686-unknown-linux
export TARGET=sslittle-na-sstrix
export IDIR=~/$NAME
cd ~/$NAME
tar xvfz $TOOL.tgz
rm -rf gcc-2.6.3
cd ~/$NAME
tar xvfz $UTIL-990811.tar.gz
cd $UTIL-990811
./configure –host=$HOST –target=$TARGET –with-gnu-as –with-gnu-ld –prefix=$IDIR
make CC=gcc
sudo make install CC=gcc
cd ~/$NAME
tar xvfz $SIM-3v0d.tgz
cd $SIM-3.0
make config-pisa
make CC=gcc
cd ~/$NAME
tar xvfz gcc-
cd ~/$NAME/gcc-
export PATH=$PATH:$IDIR/simpleutils-990811/sslittle-na-sstrix/bin
./configure –host=$HOST –target=$TARGET –with-gnu-as –with-gnu-ld –prefix=$IDIR
make LANGUAGES=”c c++” CFLASS=-O3 CC=”gcc”
sed -i ‘s/return \”FIXME\\n/return \”FIXME\\n\\/g’ ~/$NAME/gcc-
make LANGUAGES=”c c++” CFLASS=-O3 CC=”gcc”
wget http://www.ict.kth.se/courses/IS2202/ar
wget http://www.ict.kth.se/courses/IS2202/ranlib
chmod 700 ar
chmod 700 ranlib
sudo cp ar $IDIR/sslittle-na-sstrix/bin/ar
sudo cp ranlib $IDIR/sslittle-na-sstrix/bin/ranlib
rm ar
rm ranlib
chmod +w ~/$NAME/gcc-
sed -i ‘s/next_free)++/next_free++)/g’ ~/$NAME/gcc-
make LANGUAGES=”c c++” CFLASS=-O3 CC=”gcc”
sed -i ’98i\
‘ ~/$NAME/gcc-
cp $IDIR/gcc- $IDIR/sslittle-na-sstrix/include/sys/cdefs.h
make LANGUAGES=”c c++” CFLASS=-O3 CC=”gcc”
make enquire CC=gcc
sudo make install LANGUAGES=”c c++” CFLASS=-O3 CC=”gcc” PATH=$PATH:~/$NAME/bin
exit 0
2.将以上代码保存成: SimpleScalar.build 文件,放在/home/Document文件夹中
3.在 Terminal 中运行:
cd Document
source SimpleScalar.build
1) cd $IDIR/simplesim-3.0
2) ./sim-outorder tests-pisa/bin.little/test-math
产生结果(没有tests-pisa/bin.little/test-math的话可以用 ./sim-outorder *.ss 有的测试标准很大可以同时按下control +c 取消 一个一个的试.)
一下验证的是gcc compiler. 可用 C 语言写一个正确的程序 路下面的例子
1) cd $IDIR
2) mkdir dev
3) cd dev
4) (create hello.c (In step 7) and place in $IDIR/dev)
5) cd $IDIR
6) bin/sslittle-na-sstrix-gcc -o hello dev/hello.c
7) simplesim-3.0/sim-outorder hello
结果如7)显示就是正确的. 最后就是恭喜你 成功的把simplescalar 按上了(以后可以写脚本 不用手工运行了.手工格式./sim-outorder *.ss 别忘记小点哦 )
8). 附加的程序
#include <stdio.h>
printf(“Hello World!\n”);
sim-outorder: SimpleScalar/PISA Tool Set version 3.0 of August, 2003.
Copyright (c) 1994-2003 by Todd M. Austin, Ph.D. and SimpleScalar, LLC.
All Rights Reserved. This version of SimpleScalar is licensed for academic
non-commercial use. No portion of this work may be used by any commercial
entity, or for any commercial purpose, without the prior written permission
of SimpleScalar, LLC (info@simplescalar.com).
sim: command line: simplesim-3.0/sim-outorder hello
sim: simulation started @ Tue Nov 25 18:35:16 2008, options follow:
sim-outorder: This simulator implements a very detailed out-of-order issue
superscalar processor with a two-level memory system and speculative
execution support. This simulator is a performance simulator, tracking the
latency of all pipeline operations.
# -config # load configuration from a file
# -dumpconfig # dump configuration to a file
# -h false # print help message
# -v false # verbose operation
# -d false # enable debug message
# -i false # start in Dlite debugger
-seed 1 # random number generator seed (0 for timer seed)
# -q false # initialize and terminate immediately
# -chkpt <null> # restore EIO trace execution from <fname>
# -redir:sim <null> # redirect simulator output to file (non-interactive only)
# -redir:prog <null> # redirect simulated program output to file
-nice 0 # simulator scheduling priority
-max:inst 0 # maximum number of inst’s to execute
-fastfwd 0 # number of insts skipped before timing starts
# -ptrace <null> # generate pipetrace, i.e., <fname|stdout|stderr> <range>
-fetch:ifqsize 4 # instruction fetch queue size (in insts)
-fetch:mplat 3 # extra branch mis-prediction latency
-fetch:speed 1 # speed of front-end of machine relative to execution core
-bpred bimod # branch predictor type {nottaken|taken|perfect|bimod|2lev|comb}
-bpred:bimod 2048 # bimodal predictor config (<table size>)
-bpred:2lev 1 1024 8 0 # 2-level predictor config (<l1size> <l2size> <hist_size> <xor>)
-bpred:comb 1024 # combining predictor config (<meta_table_size>)
-bpred:ras 8 # return address stack size (0 for no return stack)
-bpred:btb 512 4 # BTB config (<num_sets> <associativity>)
# -bpred:spec_update <null> # speculative predictors update in {ID|WB} (default non-spec)
-decode:width 4 # instruction decode B/W (insts/cycle)
-issue:width 4 # instruction issue B/W (insts/cycle)
-issue:inorder false # run pipeline with in-order issue
-issue:wrongpath true # issue instructions down wrong execution paths
-commit:width 4 # instruction commit B/W (insts/cycle)
-ruu:size 16 # register update unit (RUU) size
-lsq:size 8 # load/store queue (LSQ) size
-cache:dl1 dl1:128:32:4:l # l1 data cache config, i.e., {<config>|none}
-cache:dl1lat 1 # l1 data cache hit latency (in cycles)
-cache:dl2 ul2:1024:64:4:l # l2 data cache config, i.e., {<config>|none}
-cache:dl2lat 6 # l2 data cache hit latency (in cycles)
-cache:il1 il1:512:32:1:l # l1 inst cache config, i.e., {<config>|dl1|dl2|none}
-cache:il1lat 1 # l1 instruction cache hit latency (in cycles)
-cache:il2 dl2 # l2 instruction cache config, i.e., {<config>|dl2|none}
-cache:il2lat 6 # l2 instruction cache hit latency (in cycles)
-cache:flush false # flush caches on system calls
-cache:icompress false # convert 64-bit inst addresses to 32-bit inst equivalents
-mem:lat 18 2 # memory access latency (<first_chunk> <inter_chunk>)
-mem:width 8 # memory access bus width (in bytes)
-tlb:itlb itlb:16:4096:4:l # instruction TLB config, i.e., {<config>|none}
-tlb:dtlb dtlb:32:4096:4:l # data TLB config, i.e., {<config>|none}
-tlb:lat 30 # inst/data TLB miss latency (in cycles)
-res:ialu 4 # total number of integer ALU’s available
-res:imult 1 # total number of integer multiplier/dividers available
-res:memport 2 # total number of memory system ports available (to CPU)
-res:fpalu 4 # total number of floating point ALU’s available
-res:fpmult 1 # total number of floating point multiplier/dividers available
# -pcstat <null> # profile stat(s) against text addr’s (mult uses ok)
-bugcompat false # operate in backward-compatible bugs mode (for testing only)
Pipetrace range arguments are formatted as follows:
Both ends of the range are optional, if neither are specified, the entire
execution is traced. Ranges that start with a `@’ designate an address
range to be traced, those that start with an `#’ designate a cycle count
range. All other range values represent an instruction count range. The
second argument, if specified with a `+’, indicates a value relative
to the first argument, e.g., 1000:+100 == 1000:1100. Program symbols may
be used in all contexts.
Examples: -ptrace FOO.trc #0:#1000
-ptrace BAR.trc @2000:
-ptrace BLAH.trc :1500
-ptrace UXXE.trc :
-ptrace FOOBAR.trc @main:+278
Branch predictor configuration examples for 2-level predictor:
Configurations: N, M, W, X
N # entries in first level (# of shift register(s))
W width of shift register(s)
M # entries in 2nd level (# of counters, or other FSM)
X (yes-1/no-0) xor history and address for 2nd level index
Sample predictors:
GAg : 1, W, 2^W, 0
GAp : 1, W, M (M > 2^W), 0
PAg : N, W, 2^W, 0
PAp : N, W, M (M == 2^(N+W)), 0
gshare : 1, W, 2^W, 1
Predictor `comb’ combines a bimodal and a 2-level predictor.
The cache config parameter <config> has the following format:
<name> – name of the cache being defined
<nsets> – number of sets in the cache
<bsize> – block size of the cache
<assoc> – associativity of the cache
<repl> – block replacement strategy, ‘l’-LRU, ‘f’-FIFO, ‘r’-random
Examples: -cache:dl1 dl1:4096:32:1:l
-dtlb dtlb:128:4096:32:r
Cache levels can be unified by pointing a level of the instruction cache
hierarchy at the data cache hiearchy using the “dl1” and “dl2” cache
configuration arguments. Most sensible combinations are supported, e.g.,
A unified l2 cache (il2 is pointed at dl2):
-cache:il1 il1:128:64:1:l -cache:il2 dl2
-cache:dl1 dl1:256:32:1:l -cache:dl2 ul2:1024:64:2:l
Or, a fully unified cache hierarchy (il1 pointed at dl1):
-cache:il1 dl1
-cache:dl1 ul1:256:32:1:l -cache:dl2 ul2:1024:64:2:l
sim: ** starting performance simulation **
Hello World!
sim: ** simulation statistics **
sim_num_insn 7685 # total number of instructions committed
sim_num_refs 4250 # total number of loads and stores committed
sim_num_loads 744 # total number of loads committed
sim_num_stores 3506.0000 # total number of stores committed
sim_num_branches 1111 # total number of branches committed
sim_elapsed_time 1 # total simulation time in seconds
sim_inst_rate 7685.0000 # simulation speed (in insts/sec)
sim_total_insn 8387 # total number of instructions executed
sim_total_refs 4459 # total number of loads and stores executed
sim_total_loads 883 # total number of loads executed
sim_total_stores 3576.0000 # total number of stores executed
sim_total_branches 1229 # total number of branches executed
sim_cycle 11487 # total simulation time in cycles
sim_IPC 0.6690 # instructions per cycle
sim_CPI 1.4947 # cycles per instruction
sim_exec_BW 0.7301 # total instructions (mis-spec + committed) per cycle
sim_IPB 6.9172 # instruction per branch
IFQ_count 12348 # cumulative IFQ occupancy
IFQ_fcount 2798 # cumulative IFQ full count
ifq_occupancy 1.0750 # avg IFQ occupancy (insn’s)
ifq_rate 0.7301 # avg IFQ dispatch rate (insn/cycle)
ifq_latency 1.4723 # avg IFQ occupant latency (cycle’s)
ifq_full 0.2436 # fraction of time (cycle’s) IFQ was full
RUU_count 38984 # cumulative RUU occupancy
RUU_fcount 256 # cumulative RUU full count
ruu_occupancy 3.3937 # avg RUU occupancy (insn’s)
ruu_rate 0.7301 # avg RUU dispatch rate (insn/cycle)
ruu_latency 4.6481 # avg RUU occupant latency (cycle’s)
ruu_full 0.0223 # fraction of time (cycle’s) RUU was full
LSQ_count 21706 # cumulative LSQ occupancy
LSQ_fcount 1637 # cumulative LSQ full count
lsq_occupancy 1.8896 # avg LSQ occupancy (insn’s)
lsq_rate 0.7301 # avg LSQ dispatch rate (insn/cycle)
lsq_latency 2.5881 # avg LSQ occupant latency (cycle’s)
lsq_full 0.1425 # fraction of time (cycle’s) LSQ was full
sim_slip 70546 # total number of slip cycles
avg_sim_slip 9.1797 # the average slip between issue and retirement
bpred_bimod.lookups 1266 # total number of bpred lookups
bpred_bimod.updates 1111 # total number of updates
bpred_bimod.addr_hits 876 # total number of address-predicted hits
bpred_bimod.dir_hits 988 # total number of direction-predicted hits (includes addr-hits)
bpred_bimod.misses 123 # total number of misses
bpred_bimod.jr_hits 66 # total number of address-predicted hits for JR’s
bpred_bimod.jr_seen 73 # total number of JR’s seen
bpred_bimod.jr_non_ras_hits.PP 0 # total number of address-predicted hits for non-RAS JR’s
bpred_bimod.jr_non_ras_seen.PP 0 # total number of non-RAS JR’s seen
bpred_bimod.bpred_addr_rate 0.7885 # branch address-prediction rate (i.e., addr-hits/updates)
bpred_bimod.bpred_dir_rate 0.8893 # branch direction-prediction rate (i.e., all-hits/updates)
bpred_bimod.bpred_jr_rate 0.9041 # JR address-prediction rate (i.e., JR addr-hits/JRs seen)
bpred_bimod.bpred_jr_non_ras_rate.PP <error: divide by zero> # non-RAS JR addr-pred rate (ie, non-RAS JR hits/JRs seen)
bpred_bimod.retstack_pushes 93 # total number of address pushed onto ret-addr stack
bpred_bimod.retstack_pops 78 # total number of address popped off of ret-addr stack
bpred_bimod.used_ras.PP 73 # total number of RAS predictions used
bpred_bimod.ras_hits.PP 66 # total number of RAS hits
bpred_bimod.ras_rate.PP 0.9041 # RAS prediction rate (i.e., RAS hits/used RAS)
il1.accesses 8757 # total number of accesses
il1.hits 8356 # total number of hits
il1.misses 401 # total number of misses
il1.replacements 150 # total number of replacements
il1.writebacks 0 # total number of writebacks
il1.invalidations 0 # total number of invalidations
il1.miss_rate 0.0458 # miss rate (i.e., misses/ref)
il1.repl_rate 0.0171 # replacement rate (i.e., repls/ref)
il1.wb_rate 0.0000 # writeback rate (i.e., wrbks/ref)
il1.inv_rate 0.0000 # invalidation rate (i.e., invs/ref)
dl1.accesses 4291 # total number of accesses
dl1.hits 3867 # total number of hits
dl1.misses 424 # total number of misses
dl1.replacements 2 # total number of replacements
dl1.writebacks 1 # total number of writebacks
dl1.invalidations 0 # total number of invalidations
dl1.miss_rate 0.0988 # miss rate (i.e., misses/ref)
dl1.repl_rate 0.0005 # replacement rate (i.e., repls/ref)
dl1.wb_rate 0.0002 # writeback rate (i.e., wrbks/ref)
dl1.inv_rate 0.0000 # invalidation rate (i.e., invs/ref)
ul2.accesses 826 # total number of accesses
ul2.hits 398 # total number of hits
ul2.misses 428 # total number of misses
ul2.replacements 0 # total number of replacements
ul2.writebacks 0 # total number of writebacks
ul2.invalidations 0 # total number of invalidations
ul2.miss_rate 0.5182 # miss rate (i.e., misses/ref)
ul2.repl_rate 0.0000 # replacement rate (i.e., repls/ref)
ul2.wb_rate 0.0000 # writeback rate (i.e., wrbks/ref)
ul2.inv_rate 0.0000 # invalidation rate (i.e., invs/ref)
itlb.accesses 8757 # total number of accesses
itlb.hits 8747 # total number of hits
itlb.misses 10 # total number of misses
itlb.replacements 0 # total number of replacements
itlb.writebacks 0 # total number of writebacks
itlb.invalidations 0 # total number of invalidations
itlb.miss_rate 0.0011 # miss rate (i.e., misses/ref)
itlb.repl_rate 0.0000 # replacement rate (i.e., repls/ref)
itlb.wb_rate 0.0000 # writeback rate (i.e., wrbks/ref)
itlb.inv_rate 0.0000 # invalidation rate (i.e., invs/ref)
dtlb.accesses 4295 # total number of accesses
dtlb.hits 4287 # total number of hits
dtlb.misses 8 # total number of misses
dtlb.replacements 0 # total number of replacements
dtlb.writebacks 0 # total number of writebacks
dtlb.invalidations 0 # total number of invalidations
dtlb.miss_rate 0.0019 # miss rate (i.e., misses/ref)
dtlb.repl_rate 0.0000 # replacement rate (i.e., repls/ref)
dtlb.wb_rate 0.0000 # writeback rate (i.e., wrbks/ref)
dtlb.inv_rate 0.0000 # invalidation rate (i.e., invs/ref)
sim_invalid_addrs 0 # total non-speculative bogus addresses seen (debug var)
ld_text_base 0x00400000 # program text (code) segment base
ld_text_size 71920 # program text (code) size in bytes
ld_data_base 0x10000000 # program initialized data segment base
ld_data_size 8304 # program init’ed `.data’ and uninit’ed `.bss’ size in bytes
ld_stack_base 0x7fffc000 # program stack segment base (highest address in stack)
ld_stack_size 16384 # program initial stack size
ld_prog_entry 0x00400140 # program entry point (initial PC)
ld_environ_base 0x7fff8000 # program environment base address address
ld_target_big_endian 0 # target executable endian-ness, non-zero if big endian
mem.page_count 26 # total number of pages allocated
mem.page_mem 104k # total size of memory pages allocated
mem.ptab_misses 26 # total first level page table misses
mem.ptab_accesses 515534 # total page table accesses
mem.ptab_miss_rate 0.0001 # first level page table miss rate
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