在这篇文章的指导下解决了,Opkg update失败的问题,问题出在开发板的网络DNS配置,开发板可以访问局域网的,但是不能访问互联网,另外angstrom linux 软件源 feeds 地址改变了 不在是原来的 所有需要更改 /etc/opkg/*下的conf文件,前缀改成http://feeds.angstrom-distribution.org/feeds/,原来的地址是http://www.angstrom-distribution.org/feeds/,这个地址访问不通 。这样就可以执行opkg update命令 来安装软件了
How-to update opkg package feeds
Beagle Embedded starter kit hardware. It provides hundreds of open source software packages optimized specifically for the ARM platform architecture, similar to the heavy-weight apt-get package manager on desktop systems. The following describes how to update opkg feeds.
ethernet adapter (Beagle C5), and execute the following commands:
2. Look at what’s inside your opkg config file:
root@beagleboard:~# cat /etc/opkg/beagleboard-feed.conf
3. Browse online for angstrom feeds to obtain a new URL here:
4. Edit each of your package feed configuration files located here using the URL from step 3:
5. Execute commands:
$ opkg update
Then, you will be able to use the install command to install new software packages.
$ opkg install your-package
Additional documentation for opkg command:
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