NSGA2 Matlab toolbox

NSGA2 Matlab toolbox最近做数模,偶然间发现这个算法,还在学习中,下面转载下资料。NSGA-II是一个很成熟的多目标优化算法了。根本原理还是Patero最优问题。NSGA-IImatlab代码,网上比较有名的是AravindSeshadri写的,采用的是BSD许可证。它的程序可以在http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/10




NSGA-II matlab代码,网上比较有名的是Aravind Seshadri写的,采用的是BSD许可证。



objective_description_function.m 要自己重写,主要是定义优化目标函数个数、随机种子取值范围等等。

evaluate_objective.m 是优化目标函数,当然要自己重写了。





NSGA-II is a very famous multi-objective optimization algorithm. I submitted an example previously and wanted to make this submission useful to others by creating it as a function. Even though this function is very specific to benchmark problems, with a little bit more modification this can be adopted for any multi-objective optimization.

The function is nsga_2(pop,gen). The input arguments for the function are population size and number of generations. For customization purposes the user is free to modify the objective function (function of several decision variables) by modifying an m file (evaluate_objective.m). Couple of sample objective functions is already described in the file. The user also has the freedom to define the decision space.

For more information on NSGA-II visit Kanpur Genetic Algorithm Laboratory at http://www.iitk.ac.in/kangal/

One of the main applications of multi-objective optimization that I am currently working on is tuning PID controllers using MOEA. I am hoping to share that work with everyone soon.

Update (January 27, 2009): I am unable to support user’s request to modify this program to incorporate constraints in the optimization program since I have no time to delve into this field. Hence effective today (January 27, 2009) I release this program under GPLv3. This means that anyone and everyone can modify this code as and how they wish. Enjoy! But do remember to contribute the code back to the community.

Effective July 17, 2009 this code is re-licensed under BSD license to comply with Mathworks policy on submissions to MATLAB central.

Note: I no longer have the resources to maintain this code.

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