




1. 基本原理


在论文中该过程抽象为如下两个公式: d noisy  ( Z x R , Z x ) = ∥ Z x R − Z x ∥ 2 2 ( N 1 h t ) 2 d^{\text {noisy }}\left(Z_{x_{R}}, Z_{x}\right)=\frac{\left\|Z_{x_{R}}-Z_{x}\right\|_{2}^{2}}{\left(N_{1}^{\mathrm{ht}}\right)^{2}} dnoisy (ZxR,Zx)=(N1ht)2ZxRZx22 S x R h t = { x ∈ X : d ( Z x R , Z x ) ≤ τ match  h t } S_{x_{R}}^{\mathrm{ht}}=\left\{x \in X: d\left(Z_{x_{R}}, Z_{x}\right) \leq \tau_{\text {match }}^{\mathrm{ht}}\right\} SxRht={
xX:d(ZxR,Zx)τmatch ht}

(2)接下来是在group上进行硬阈值滤波,硬阈值滤波相关的内容可以参考我之前的博客图像降噪算法——小波硬阈值滤波(上)图像降噪算法——小波硬阈值滤波(下),大致原理是相同的。不同的是,因为这里的group是3D的元素结构,因此我们需要对group进行3D变换,3D变换是由一个2D的DCT变换或者Bior变换加上一个1D的Haar变换构成的。在3D变换的基础上进行硬阈值滤波,在完成硬阈值滤波后再进行3D反变换即可,该过程在论文中抽象为如下公式: Y ^ S x R h t = T 3 D h t − 1 ( Υ ( T 3 D h t ( Z S x R h t ) ) ) \widehat{\mathbf{Y}}_{S_{x_{R}}^{\mathrm{ht}}}=\mathcal{T}_{3 \mathrm{D}}^{\mathrm{ht}^{-1}}\left(\Upsilon\left(\mathcal{T}_{3 \mathrm{D}}^{\mathrm{ht}}\left(\mathbf{Z}_{S_{x_{R}}^{\mathrm{ht}}}\right)\right)\right) Y


(1)在第一阶段预降噪后的图像上,在目标patch周围搜索相似patch,然后构建group,公式如下: S x R wie  = { x ∈ X : ∥ Y ^ x R basic  − Y ^ x basic  ∥ 2 2 ( N 1 wie  ) 2 < τ match  wie  } S_{x_{R}}^{\text {wie }}=\left\{x \in X: \frac{\left\|\widehat{Y}_{x_{R}}^{\text {basic }}-\widehat{Y}_{x}^{\text {basic }}\right\|_{2}^{2}}{\left(N_{1}^{\text {wie }}\right)^{2}}<\tau_{\text {match }}^{\text {wie }}\right\} SxRwie =xX:(N1wie )2Y
<τmatch wie 

(2)接下来是进行维纳滤波,维纳滤波的相关内容可以参考图像降噪算法——维纳滤波,维纳滤波公式如下: W S x R wie  = ∣ T 3 D wie  ( Y ^ S x wie  basic  ) ∣ 2 ∣ T 3 D wie  ( Y ^ S x wic  basic  ) ∣ 2 + σ 2 \mathbf{W}_{S_{x_{R}}^{\text {wie }}}= \frac{\left|\mathcal{T}_{3 \mathrm{D}}^{\text {wie }}\left(\widehat{\mathbf{Y}}_{S_{x}^{\text {wie }}}^{\text {basic }}\right)\right|^{2}}{\left|\mathcal{T}_{3 \mathrm{D}}^{\text {wie }}\left(\widehat{\mathbf{Y}}_{S_{x}^{\text {wic }}}^{\text {basic }}\right)\right|^{2}+\sigma^{2}} WSxRwie =T3Dwie (Y
Sxwic basic 
T3Dwie (Y
Sxwie basic 
Y ^ S x R w i e = T 3 D w i e − 1 ( W S x R wie  T 3 D wie  ( Z S x R wie  ) ) \widehat{\mathbf{Y}}_{S_{x_{R}}^{w i e}}=\mathcal{T}_{3 \mathrm{D}}^{\mathrm{wie}^{-1}}\left(\mathbf{W}_{S_{x_{R}}^{\text {wie }}} \mathcal{T}_{3 \mathrm{D}}^{\text {wie }}\left(\mathbf{Z}_{S_{x_{R}}^{\text {wie }}}\right)\right) Y
T3Dwie1(WSxRwie T3Dwie (ZSxRwie ))

(3)最后同样是进行聚合(aggregation)操作,在overlap区域同样是进行加权平均,权重来自于维纳滤波系数,如下: w x R wie  = σ − 2 ∥ W S x R wic  ∥ 2 − 2 w_{x_{R}}^{\text {wie }}=\sigma^{-2}\left\|\mathbf{W}_{S_{x_{R}}^{\text {wic }}}\right\|_{2}^{-2} wxRwie =σ2WSxRwic 22 y ^ basic  ( x ) = ∑ x R ∈ X ∑ x m ∈ S x R h t w x R h t Y ^ x m h t , x R ( x ) ∑ x R ∈ X ∑ x m ∈ S x R h t w x R h t χ x m ( x ) , ∀ x ∈ X , \widehat{y}^{\text {basic }}(x)=\frac{\sum_{x_{R} \in X} \sum_{x_{m} \in S_{x_{R}}^{\mathrm{ht}}} w_{x_{R}}^{\mathrm{ht}} \widehat{Y}_{x_{m}}^{\mathrm{ht}, x_{R}}(x)}{\sum_{x_{R} \in X} \sum_{x_{m} \in S_{x_{R}}^{\mathrm{ht}}} w_{x_{R}}^{\mathrm{ht}} \chi_{x_{m}}(x)}, \forall x \in X, y


2. python代码实现

开源的BM3D算法C++代码也有,但是写得通常都比较复杂,这里我参考BM3D :稀疏三维变换域协同过滤的图像去噪||原理&算法实现提供一份python版本的实现,看完代码基本上就能屡清楚BM3D的实现过程了

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" *BM3D算法简单实现,主要程序部分 """
import cv2
import numpy
import math
import numpy.matlib
# Parameters initialization
sigma = 25
Threshold_Hard3D = 2.7 * sigma  # Threshold for Hard Thresholding
Step1_Blk_Size = 4  # block_Size即块的大小
Step1_Blk_Step = 1  # Rather than sliding by one pixel to every next reference block, use a step of Nstep pixels in both horizontal and vertical directions.
Step1_Search_Step = 1  # 块的搜索step
First_Match_threshold = 125 * Step1_Blk_Size ** 2  # 用于计算block之间相似度的阈值
Step1_max_matched_cnt = 16  # 组最大匹配的块数
Step1_Search_Window = 15  # Search for candidate matching blocks in a local neighborhood of restricted size NS*NS centered
Step2_Blk_Size = 4
Step2_Blk_Step = 1
Step2_Search_Step = 1
Second_Match_threshold = 220. / 16 * Step2_Blk_Size ** 2  # 用于计算block之间相似度的阈值
Step2_max_matched_cnt = 32
Step2_Search_Window = 25
Beta_Kaiser = 1.5
def init(img, _blk_size, _Beta_Kaiser):
m_shape = img.shape
m_img = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros(m_shape, dtype=float))
m_wight = numpy.matrix(numpy.zeros(m_shape, dtype=float))
# 窗函数(window function)是一种除在给定区间之外取值均为0的实函数
K = numpy.matrix(numpy.kaiser(_blk_size, _Beta_Kaiser))
m_Kaiser = numpy.array(K.T * K)  # 构造一个凯撒窗
# 窗函数:https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/窗函数#Kaiser窗
# print m_Kaiser, type(m_Kaiser), m_Kaiser.shape
# cv2.imshow("Kaisser", m_Kaiser)
# cv2.waitKey(0)
# cv2.imwrite("Kaisser.jpg", m_Kaiser.astype(numpy.uint8))
return m_img, m_wight, m_Kaiser
def Locate_blk(i, j, blk_step, block_Size, width, height):
if i * blk_step + block_Size < width:
point_x = i * blk_step
point_x = width - block_Size
if j * blk_step + block_Size < height:
point_y = j * blk_step
point_y = height - block_Size
m_blockPoint = numpy.array((point_x, point_y), dtype=int)  # 当前参考图像的顶点
return m_blockPoint
def Define_SearchWindow(_noisyImg, _BlockPoint, _WindowSize, Blk_Size):
""" 该函数利用block的左上顶点的位置返回一个二元组(x,y) 用以界定_Search_Window左上角顶点坐标 """
point_x = _BlockPoint[0]  # 当前坐标
point_y = _BlockPoint[1]  # 当前坐标
# 获得SearchWindow四个顶点的坐标
LX = point_x + Blk_Size / 2 - _WindowSize / 2  # 左上x
LY = point_y + Blk_Size / 2 - _WindowSize / 2  # 左上y
RX = LX + _WindowSize  # 右下x
RY = LY + _WindowSize  # 右下y
# 判断一下是否越界
if LX < 0:
LX = 0
elif RX > _noisyImg.shape[0]:
LX = _noisyImg.shape[0] - _WindowSize
if LY < 0:
LY = 0
elif RY > _noisyImg.shape[0]:
LY = _noisyImg.shape[0] - _WindowSize
return numpy.array((LX, LY), dtype=int)
def Step1_fast_match(_noisyImg, _BlockPoint):
''' *返回邻域内寻找和当前_block相似度最高的几个block,返回的数组中包含本身 *_noisyImg:噪声图像 *_BlockPoint:当前block的坐标及大小 '''
(present_x, present_y) = _BlockPoint  # 当前坐标
Blk_Size = Step1_Blk_Size
Search_Step = Step1_Search_Step
Threshold = First_Match_threshold
max_matched = Step1_max_matched_cnt
Window_size = Step1_Search_Window
blk_positions = numpy.zeros((max_matched, 2), dtype=int)  # 用于记录相似blk的位置
Final_similar_blocks = numpy.zeros((max_matched, Blk_Size, Blk_Size), dtype=float)  # 用于保存最后结果
img = _noisyImg[present_x: present_x + Blk_Size, present_y: present_y + Blk_Size]
dct_img = cv2.dct(img.astype(numpy.float64))  # 对目标作block作二维余弦变换
Final_similar_blocks[0, :, :] = dct_img  # 保存变换后的目标块
blk_positions[0, :] = _BlockPoint
Window_location = Define_SearchWindow(_noisyImg, _BlockPoint, Window_size, Blk_Size)
blk_num = (Window_size - Blk_Size) / Search_Step  # 确定最多可以找到多少相似blk
blk_num = int(blk_num)
(present_x, present_y) = Window_location
similar_blocks = numpy.zeros((blk_num ** 2, Blk_Size, Blk_Size), dtype=float)
m_Blkpositions = numpy.zeros((blk_num ** 2, 2), dtype=int)
Distances = numpy.zeros(blk_num ** 2, dtype=float)  # 记录各个blk与它的相似度
# 开始在_Search_Window中搜索,初始版本先采用遍历搜索策略,这里返回最相似的几块
matched_cnt = 0
for i in range(blk_num):
for j in range(blk_num):
tem_img = _noisyImg[present_x: present_x + Blk_Size, present_y: present_y + Blk_Size]
dct_Tem_img = cv2.dct(tem_img.astype(numpy.float64))
# 先对块进行dct变换再求l2-norm,寻找相似块,降低噪点的干扰
m_Distance = numpy.linalg.norm((dct_img - dct_Tem_img)) ** 2 / (Blk_Size ** 2)
# 下面记录数据自动不考虑自身(因为已经记录)
if m_Distance < Threshold and m_Distance > 0:  # 说明找到了一块符合要求的
similar_blocks[matched_cnt, :, :] = dct_Tem_img
m_Blkpositions[matched_cnt, :] = (present_x, present_y)
Distances[matched_cnt] = m_Distance
matched_cnt += 1
present_y += Search_Step
present_x += Search_Step
present_y = Window_location[1]  # 搜索窗的行
# 取前matched_cnt个块
Distances = Distances[:matched_cnt]
# 对distance进行排序,找到对应顺序的序号
# numpy.argsort() 的用法:
# https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.argsort.html
Sort = Distances.argsort()
# 统计一下找到了多少相似的blk
if matched_cnt < max_matched:
Count = matched_cnt + 1
Count = max_matched
# 将前matched_cnt个块放入Final_similar_blocks,左上坐标信息保存在lk_positions
if Count > 0:
for i in range(1, Count):
Final_similar_blocks[i, :, :] = similar_blocks[Sort[i - 1], :, :]
blk_positions[i, :] = m_Blkpositions[Sort[i - 1], :]
return Final_similar_blocks, blk_positions, Count
def Step1_3DFiltering(_similar_blocks):
''' *3D变换及滤波处理 *_similar_blocks:相似的一组block,这里已经是频域的表示 *要将_similar_blocks第三维依次取出,然在频域用阈值滤波之后,再作反变换 '''
statis_nonzero = 0  # 非零元素个数
m_Shape = _similar_blocks.shape
# 下面这一段代码很耗时
for i in range(m_Shape[1]):
for j in range(m_Shape[2]):
# print _similar_blocks[:, i, j], type(_similar_blocks[:, i, j])
tem_Vct_Trans = cv2.dct(_similar_blocks[:, i, j])
# 硬阈值变换,去掉较小的频率成分
tem_Vct_Trans[numpy.abs(tem_Vct_Trans[:]) < Threshold_Hard3D] = 0.
statis_nonzero += tem_Vct_Trans.nonzero()[0].size
_similar_blocks[:, i, j] = cv2.idct(tem_Vct_Trans)[0]
return _similar_blocks, statis_nonzero
def Aggregation_hardthreshold(_similar_blocks, blk_positions, m_basic_img, m_wight_img, _nonzero_num, Count, Kaiser):
''' *对3D变换及滤波后输出的stack进行加权累加,得到初步滤波的图片 *_similar_blocks:相似的一组block,这里是频域的表示 *对这些块,用非零项的权重乘以凯撒窗之后再分别放回原位 '''
_shape = _similar_blocks.shape
if _nonzero_num < 1:
_nonzero_num = 1
block_wight = (1. / (sigma ** 2 * _nonzero_num)) * Kaiser
for i in range(Count):
point = blk_positions[i, :]
tem_img = block_wight * cv2.idct(_similar_blocks[i, :, :])
m_basic_img[point[0]:point[0] + _shape[1], point[1]:point[1] + _shape[2]] += tem_img
m_wight_img[point[0]:point[0] + _shape[1], point[1]:point[1] + _shape[2]] += block_wight
def BM3D_1st_step(_noisyImg):
# 初始化一些参数:
(width, height) = _noisyImg.shape  # width = row, height = col
block_Size = Step1_Blk_Size  # 块大小
blk_step = Step1_Blk_Step  # N块步长滑动
# 根据步长确定搜索的次数
Width_num = (width - block_Size) / blk_step
Height_num = (height - block_Size) / blk_step
# 初始化几个数组
# 空图像、空权重表、凯撒窗
Basic_img, m_Wight, m_Kaiser = init(_noisyImg, Step1_Blk_Size, Beta_Kaiser)
# 开始逐block的处理,+2是为了避免边缘上不够
for i in range(int(Width_num + 2)):
for j in range(int(Height_num + 2)):
# m_blockPoint当前参考图像的左上角顶点
m_blockPoint = Locate_blk(i, j, blk_step, block_Size, width, height)  # 该函数用于保证当前的blk不超出图像范围
Similar_Blks, Positions, Count = Step1_fast_match(_noisyImg, m_blockPoint)  # 相似块集合、相似块位置、相似块数量
Similar_Blks, statis_nonzero = Step1_3DFiltering(Similar_Blks)  # 协同过滤后的相似块集合、非零项数量
Aggregation_hardthreshold(Similar_Blks, Positions, Basic_img, m_Wight, statis_nonzero, Count, m_Kaiser)
Basic_img[:, :] /= m_Wight[:, :]
basic = numpy.matrix(Basic_img, dtype=int)
return basic
def Step2_fast_match(_Basic_img, _noisyImg, _BlockPoint):
''' *快速匹配算法,返回邻域内寻找和当前_block相似度最高的几个block,要同时返回basicImg和IMG *_Basic_img: 基础去噪之后的图像 *_noisyImg:噪声图像 *_BlockPoint:当前block的坐标及大小 '''
(present_x, present_y) = _BlockPoint  # 当前坐标
Blk_Size = Step2_Blk_Size
Threshold = Second_Match_threshold
Search_Step = Step2_Search_Step
max_matched = Step2_max_matched_cnt
Window_size = Step2_Search_Window
blk_positions = numpy.zeros((max_matched, 2), dtype=int)  # 用于记录相似blk的位置
Final_similar_blocks = numpy.zeros((max_matched, Blk_Size, Blk_Size), dtype=float)
Final_noisy_blocks = numpy.zeros((max_matched, Blk_Size, Blk_Size), dtype=float)
img = _Basic_img[present_x: present_x + Blk_Size, present_y: present_y + Blk_Size]
dct_img = cv2.dct(img.astype(numpy.float32))  # 对目标作block作二维余弦变换
Final_similar_blocks[0, :, :] = dct_img
n_img = _noisyImg[present_x: present_x + Blk_Size, present_y: present_y + Blk_Size]
dct_n_img = cv2.dct(n_img.astype(numpy.float32))  # 对目标作block作二维余弦变换
Final_noisy_blocks[0, :, :] = dct_n_img
blk_positions[0, :] = _BlockPoint
Window_location = Define_SearchWindow(_noisyImg, _BlockPoint, Window_size, Blk_Size)
blk_num = (Window_size - Blk_Size) / Search_Step  # 确定最多可以找到多少相似blk
blk_num = int(blk_num)
(present_x, present_y) = Window_location
similar_blocks = numpy.zeros((blk_num ** 2, Blk_Size, Blk_Size), dtype=float)
m_Blkpositions = numpy.zeros((blk_num ** 2, 2), dtype=int)
Distances = numpy.zeros(blk_num ** 2, dtype=float)  # 记录各个blk与它的相似度
# 开始在_Search_Window中搜索,初始版本先采用遍历搜索策略,这里返回最相似的几块
matched_cnt = 0
for i in range(blk_num):
for j in range(blk_num):
tem_img = _Basic_img[present_x: present_x + Blk_Size, present_y: present_y + Blk_Size]
# dct_Tem_img = cv2.dct(tem_img.astype(numpy.float32))
# m_Distance = numpy.linalg.norm((dct_img - dct_Tem_img)) ** 2 / (Blk_Size ** 2)
m_Distance = numpy.linalg.norm((img - tem_img)) ** 2 / (Blk_Size ** 2)
# 下面记录数据自动不考虑自身(因为已经记录)
if m_Distance < Threshold and m_Distance > 0:
dct_Tem_img = cv2.dct(tem_img.astype(numpy.float32))
similar_blocks[matched_cnt, :, :] = dct_Tem_img
m_Blkpositions[matched_cnt, :] = (present_x, present_y)
Distances[matched_cnt] = m_Distance
matched_cnt += 1
present_y += Search_Step
present_x += Search_Step
present_y = Window_location[1]
Distances = Distances[:matched_cnt]
Sort = Distances.argsort()
# 统计一下找到了多少相似的blk
if matched_cnt < max_matched:
Count = matched_cnt + 1
Count = max_matched
# nosiy图像的3D Stack,利用第一步的Basic估计结果来构造
if Count > 0:
for i in range(1, Count):
Final_similar_blocks[i, :, :] = similar_blocks[Sort[i - 1], :, :]
blk_positions[i, :] = m_Blkpositions[Sort[i - 1], :]
(present_x, present_y) = m_Blkpositions[Sort[i - 1], :]
n_img = _noisyImg[present_x: present_x + Blk_Size, present_y: present_y + Blk_Size]
Final_noisy_blocks[i, :, :] = cv2.dct(n_img.astype(numpy.float64))
return Final_similar_blocks, Final_noisy_blocks, blk_positions, Count
def Step2_3DFiltering(_Similar_Bscs, _Similar_Imgs):
''' *3D维纳变换的协同滤波 *_similar_blocks:相似的一组block,这里是频域的表示 *要将_similar_blocks第三维依次取出,然后作dct,在频域进行维纳滤波之后,再作反变换 *返回的Wiener_wight用于后面Aggregation '''
m_Shape = _Similar_Bscs.shape
Wiener_wight = numpy.zeros((m_Shape[1], m_Shape[2]), dtype=float)
for i in range(m_Shape[1]):
for j in range(m_Shape[2]):
tem_vector = _Similar_Bscs[:, i, j]
tem_Vct_Trans = numpy.matrix(cv2.dct(tem_vector))
Norm_2 = numpy.float64(tem_Vct_Trans.T * tem_Vct_Trans)
m_weight = Norm_2 / (Norm_2 + sigma ** 2)
Wiener_wight[i, j] = m_weight
#if m_weight != 0: Wiener_wight[i, j] = 1. / (m_weight ** 2 * sigma ** 2)
# else:
# Wiener_wight[i, j] = 10000
tem_vector = _Similar_Imgs[:, i, j]
tem_Vct_Trans = m_weight * cv2.dct(tem_vector)
_Similar_Bscs[:, i, j] = cv2.idct(tem_Vct_Trans)[0]
return _Similar_Bscs, Wiener_wight
def Aggregation_Wiener(_Similar_Blks, _Wiener_wight, blk_positions, m_basic_img, m_wight_img, Count, Kaiser):
''' *对3D变换及滤波后输出的stack进行加权累加,得到初步滤波的图片 *_similar_blocks:相似的一组block,这里是频域的表示 *对于最后的块,乘以凯撒窗之后再输出 '''
_shape = _Similar_Blks.shape
block_wight = _Wiener_wight * Kaiser
for i in range(Count):
point = blk_positions[i, :]
tem_img = _Wiener_wight * cv2.idct(_Similar_Blks[i, :, :]) * Kaiser
m_basic_img[point[0]:point[0] + _shape[1], point[1]:point[1] + _shape[2]] += tem_img
m_wight_img[point[0]:point[0] + _shape[1], point[1]:point[1] + _shape[2]] += block_wight
def BM3D_2nd_step(_basicImg, _noisyImg):
'''Step 2. 最终的估计: 利用基本的估计,进行改进了的分组以及协同维纳滤波'''
# 初始化一些参数:
(width, height) = _noisyImg.shape
block_Size = Step2_Blk_Size
blk_step = Step2_Blk_Step
Width_num = (width - block_Size) / blk_step
Height_num = (height - block_Size) / blk_step
# 初始化几个数组
m_img, m_Wight, m_Kaiser = init(_noisyImg, block_Size, Beta_Kaiser)
for i in range(int(Width_num + 2)):
for j in range(int(Height_num + 2)):
m_blockPoint = Locate_blk(i, j, blk_step, block_Size, width, height)
Similar_Blks, Similar_Imgs, Positions, Count = Step2_fast_match(_basicImg, _noisyImg, m_blockPoint)
Similar_Blks, Wiener_wight = Step2_3DFiltering(Similar_Blks, Similar_Imgs)
Aggregation_Wiener(Similar_Blks, Wiener_wight, Positions, m_img, m_Wight, Count, m_Kaiser)
m_img[:, :] /= m_Wight[:, :]
Final = numpy.matrix(m_img, dtype=int)
return Final
def Gauss_noise(img, sigma=25):
noise = numpy.matlib.randn(img.shape) * sigma
res = img + noise
return res
def PSNR(img1, img2):
D = numpy.array(img1 - img2, dtype=numpy.int64)
D[:, :] = D[:, :] ** 2
RMSE = D.sum() / img1.size
psnr = 10 * math.log10(float(255. ** 2) / RMSE)
return psnr
if __name__ == '__main__':
cv2.setUseOptimized(True)  # OpenCV 中的很多函数都被优化过(使用 SSE2,AVX 等)。也包含一些没有被优化的代码。使用函数 cv2.setUseOptimized() 来开启优化。
img_name = "./len128*128.jpg"  # 图像的路径
ori = cv2.imread(img_name, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)  # 读入图像,cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE:以灰度模式读入图像
cv2.imwrite("ori.jpg", ori)
img = Gauss_noise(ori)
cv2.imwrite("noise.jpg", img)
print 'The PSNR After add noise %f' % PSNR(ori, img)
# 记录程序运行时间
e1 = cv2.getTickCount()  # cv2.getTickCount 函数返回从参考点到这个函数被执行的时钟数
# if(img is not None):
# print("success")
Basic_img = BM3D_1st_step(img)
e2 = cv2.getTickCount()
time = (e2 - e1) / cv2.getTickFrequency()  # 计算函数执行时间
print ("The Processing time of the First step is %f s" % time)
cv2.imwrite("Basic3.jpg", Basic_img)
print ("The PSNR between the two img of the First step is %f" % PSNR(ori, Basic_img))
# Basic_img = cv2.imread("Basic3.jpg", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
Final_img = BM3D_2nd_step(Basic_img, img)
e3 = cv2.getTickCount()
time = (e3 - e2) / cv2.getTickFrequency()
print ("The Processing time of the Second step is %f s" % time)
cv2.imwrite("Final3.jpg", Final_img)
print ("The PSNR between the two img of the Second step is %f" % PSNR(ori, Final_img))
time = (e3 - e1) / cv2.getTickFrequency()
print ("The total Processing time is %f s" % time)

3. 结论

从BM3D提出之后,学术界就在BM3D的基础上涌现了一批类似的方法,例如最近2019年和2020年的唯一的两篇最新的TIP上的传统算法NLH和ACVA都是在BM3D的基础上改进的,还有一条很有意思的pipeline,就是BM3D -> BM4D -> VBM3D -> VBM4D这几个算法,其中:





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