1、vuex 配置
//vuex的配置 //注意Store是大写 const store = new Vuex.Store({ //数据保存 state: { show: false, count: 0, list: [1, 5, 8, 10, 30, 50] }, mutations: { increase(state, n = 1) { state.count = n; }, decrease(state, n = 1) { state.count -= n; }, switch_dialog (state) { // 这里的state对应着上面这个state state.show = state.show ? false : true // 你还可以在这里执行其他的操作改变state } }, getters: { filteredList: state => { return state.list.filter(item => item < 31); } }, actions:{ asyncIncrease(context){ context.commit('increase'); }, switch_dialog123 (context) { // 这里的context和我们使用的$store拥有相同的对象和方法 context.commit('switch_dialog') // 你还可以在这里触发其他的mutations方法 } } });
<template> <div> {
{count}} <button @click="handleIncrease"> 5</button> <button @click="handleAsyncIncrease">-5</button> {
{filteredList}} <button @click="handleRouter">跳转到 HelloWorld3</button> <button @click="showRouter">展示路由</button> </div> </template> <script> import { mapState } from 'vuex' import { mapGetters } from 'vuex' export default { name: 'HelloWorld2', computed: { // count(){
// return this.$store.state.count; // }, // filteredList() {
// return this.$store.getters.filteredList; // }, ...mapState({ count: state => state.count }), // 使用对象展开运算符将 getter 混入 computed 对象中 ...mapGetters([ 'filteredList' ]) }, methods: { handleIncrease() { this.$store.commit('increase', 5); }, handleDecrease() { this.$store.commit('decrease', 5); }, handleAsyncIncrease() { this.$store.dispatch('asyncIncrease'); }, handleRouter() { this.$router.push('/HelloWorld3'); }, showRouter() { console.log(this.$router); console.log(this.$router.push); } } }; </script> <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only --> <style scoped> </style>
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