1. https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E37670_01/E75728/html/section-zb1_wqw_gt.html
To control a container’s CPU usage, you can use the –cpu-period and –cpu-quota options with the docker create and docker run commands from version 1.7.0 of Docker onward.
The –cpu-quota option specifies the number of microseconds that a container has access to CPU resources during a period specified by –cpu-period. As the default value of –cpu-period is 100000, setting the value of –cpu-quota to 25000 limits a container to 25% of the CPU resources. By default, a container can use all available CPU resources, which corresponds to a –cpu-quota value of -1.
2. https://docs.docker.com/config/containers/resource_constraints/#cpu
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