




  1. My university has a great reputation.
  2. This is a pretty promising field.
  3. It enables me to fulfill my potential.
  4. My professors are really thoughtful and considerate.
  5. On top of that, there is a wide range of extracurricular activities, like the debate, the basketball team, the choir and even a rock band.
  6. I volunteer at the university library.
  7. The canteen serves great food.
  8. Understanding English enable you to understand the English-speaking cultures better.
  9. Reading English novels and online magazines is an excellent way to boost your vocabulary.
  10. English abilities give you a competitive edge and improve your chances of employment.
  11. We can travel the world with few language barriers if we speak good English.
  1. 我的大学名声很好。
  2. 这是一个很有前途的领域。
  3. 它使我能够发挥我的潜力。
  4. 我的教授们真是体贴入微。
  5. 除此之外,学校还有广泛的课外活动,比如辩论、篮球队、合唱团,甚至还有摇滚乐队。
  6. 我在大学图书馆做志愿者。
  7. 食堂的饭菜很好。
  8. 理解英语能让你更好地理解英语文化。
  9. 阅读英语小说和网络杂志是增加词汇量的好方法。
  10. 英语能力会给你带来竞争优势,增加你的就业机会。
  11. 如果我们能说一口流利的英语,我们环游世界就没有什么语言障碍了。


  1. The curriculum is too hard for me
  2. I guess I will have a hard time finding a job when I graduate.
  3. We are not encouraged to exchange ideas with other students.
  4. I hate the force-feeding approach to teaching.
  5. But sometimes what they teach in class is over my head.
  6. My teachers are so strict. It seems very few Chinese teachers encourage their students to explore areas that are beyond academic boundaries.
  7. But extracurricular activities can be time consuming.
  8. I hate a heavy class load this term.
  9. The canteen food is gross.
  10. You are considered ‘left behind’ if you cannot speak English.
  11. Learning a foreign language takes time and energy.
  12. There are plenty of test-taking techniques. But as a matter of fact, there are no shortcuts to learning a foreign language.
  1. 这课程对我来说太难了
  2. 我想我毕业的时候很难找到工作。
  3. 学校不鼓励我们与其他学生交流思想。
  4. 我讨厌这种强行灌输的教学方法。
  5. 但是有时候他们在课堂上教的东西我不懂。
  6. 我的老师很严格。似乎很少有中国老师鼓励他们的学生去探索超越学术界限的领域。
  7. 但是课外活动可能会耗费时间。
  8. 我讨厌这学期课业繁重。
  9. 食堂的饭菜很难吃。
  10. 如果你不会说英语,就会被认为“落后”。
  11. 学习一门外语需要时间和精力。
  12. 有很多考试技巧。但事实上,学习外语没有捷径可走。



  1. It is well-paid.
  2. My boss treats everyone equally.
  3. The working environment is pretty friendly.
  4. It offers me a whole lot of benefits, like paid vacation, a pension plan and, on top of all that, a company car.
  5. I am learning new skill to help my career prospect.
  6. Sometimes I have to take charge of the whole team.
  7. Employees are paid time-and-a-quarter if they work on weekends.
  1. 这是高薪。
  2. 我的老板对每个人都很公平。
  3. 工作环境很友好。
  4. 它给我提供了很多福利,比如带薪假期、养老金计划,除此之外,还有公司的车。
  5. 我正在学习新的技能,以帮助我的职业前景。
  6. 有时我不得不负责整个团队。
  7. 如果员工在周末工作,他们会得到一倍加四分之一的工资。


  1. I am really tired of working for peanuts.
  2. I have to work overtime practically every day.
  3. It doesn’t offer the opportunity for quick promotion.
  4. My boss is a slave driver.
  5. It’s a dead-end job.
  6. I am constantly on the go.
  7. This job is back-breaking work.
  1. 我实在厌倦了为了微不足道的报酬而工作。
  2. 我几乎每天都要加班。
  3. 它不提供快速晋升的机会。
  4. 我的老板是个苛刻的监工。
  5. 这是一项没有前途的工作。
  6. 我总是忙个不停。
  7. 这份工作很累人。



  1. My hometown is a coastal city. It offers some of the best beach in China。
  2. My hometown is an inland city, best-known for gentle, rolling hills surrounding it.
  3. This city is steeped in time-honored traditions.
  4. It is prosperous.
  5. There is a real sense of community.
  6. This city is well-known for its architectural heritage.
  7. The cityscape is gorgeous and there are tons of towering skyscrapers.
  8. High-rise buildings are sprouting up all over the city.
  9. It is pretty sprawling.
  10. I enjoy the peace and quiet there.
  11. This city is like a magnet for the tourists.
  12. The sky is always crystal-clear.
  13. We enjoy a great climate all year round.
  14. My hometown has a dynamic and vibrant nightlife with countless bars and clubs. Young people often go partying, clubbing and bar-hopping at night.
  15. At night, it’s tranquil and serene.
  16. People there are pretty laid-back.
  17. Going to concert is a popular pastime there.
  18. In many cities, a driver’s license is a necessity for finding a job.
  19. Driving makes life much easier for me and for my family members.
  20. It’s vital for us to drive safely.
  21. The written test was just a piece of cake and then I pass the road test without a hitch.
  22. I don’t have a car, so I’m free of all the burdens of car ownership: having to keep the car maintained and filled with gas, the parking fees and of course the insurance
  23. It’s fun to ride around on a bus coz you get to see many interesting people.
  24. When I’m in a hurry, I take the subway.
  1. 我的家乡是一个沿海城市。这里有中国最好的海滩。
  2. 我的家乡是一个内陆城市,以周围平缓起伏的丘陵而闻名。
  3. 这个城市有着悠久的传统。
  4. 它是繁荣的。
  5. 这里有一种真正的社区意识。
  6. 这个城市以其建筑遗产而闻名。
  7. 这里的城市景色非常美丽,还有无数高耸的摩天大楼。
  8. 高层建筑如雨后春笋般在城市各处拔地而起。
  9. 它非常庞大。
  10. 我喜欢那里的和平与宁静。
  11. 这座城市像一块磁石吸引着游客。
  12. 天空总是清澈的。
  13. 我们一年四季气候宜人。
  14. 我的家乡有无数的酒吧和俱乐部,夜生活充满活力和活力。年轻人晚上经常去聚会、泡吧和泡吧。
  15. 晚上,这里很宁静。
  16. 那里的人都很悠闲。
  17. 去听音乐会是那里流行的消遣方式。
  18. 在许多城市,驾照是找工作的必要条件。
  19. 开车让我和我的家人的生活更容易了。
  20. 安全驾驶对我们来说很重要。
  21. 笔试对我来说是小菜一碟,然后我就顺利地通过了路考。
  22. 我没有车,所以我免除了所有拥有汽车的负担:必须维护汽车,加油,停车费,当然还有保险
  23. 坐公共汽车很有趣,因为你可以看到很多有趣的人。
  24. 当我有急事时,我乘地铁。


  1. The air is so smoggy.
  2. Lots of people there suffer respiratory disease.
  3. The cost of living is sky-high
  4. The economy is in a slump
  5. I can’t stand the hustle and bustle there.
  6. There’s no sense of community.
  7. Most of the buildings there are two to three storeys.
  8. Some areas are pretty run-down.
  9. The noise here was too disturbing, I didn’t sleep a wink last night.
  10. It’s not so well-known, not even in china.
  11. The car exhaust fumes are poisonous.
  12. The climate is harsh.
  13. The rising unemployment rate is driving up the crime rate.
  14. It’s close to an airport and the noise is so disturbing. At night, we have a hard time falling asleep and wake up tired in the morning because of the noise.
  15. The pace of life is fast and stressful.
  16. People in this city don’t have much leisure time.
  17. There are an awful lot of reckless drivers out there.
  18. Driving is not a right. It’s a privilege.
  19. Drunk driving can kill.
  20. I failed my road test twice before I finally passed it.
  21. I frequently find myself sitting in my car stuck in traffic for hours.
  22. I take the bus so I can take a nap
  23. I often get stuck in traffic
  24. Sometimes the traffic can be obnoxious.
  25. The cab fare is expensive in Shanghai.
  1. 空气中烟雾弥漫。
  2. 那里有很多人患有呼吸道疾病。
  3. 生活费用极高
  4. 经济正在衰退
  5. 我受不了那里的拥挤和喧闹。
  6. 没有社区意识。
  7. 那里的建筑物大多是两到三层。
  8. 有些地区非常破旧。
  9. 这里的噪音太吵了,我昨晚一夜都没睡。
  10. 它不是那么有名,甚至在中国也不是。
  11. 汽车尾气是有毒的。
  12. 气候恶劣。
  13. 不断上升的失业率使犯罪率上升。
  14. 那里离机场很近,噪音太吵了。在晚上,我们很难入睡,因为噪音,早上醒来很累。
  15. 生活节奏快而充满压力。
  16. 这个城市的人没有多少闲暇时间。
  17. 那里有很多鲁莽的司机。
  18. 开车不是一种权利。这是一种特权。
  19. 酒后驾车会致人死亡。
  20. 在我终于通过路考之前,我两次都没通过。
  21. 我经常发现自己在车里堵上几个小时。
  22. 我坐公共汽车,这样我就可以睡个午觉
  23. 我经常堵车
  24. 有时交通会令人讨厌。
  25. 上海的出租车费很贵。



  1. Jogging and swimming are excellent ways to get fit.
  2. Exercise gives me a feeling of accomplishment.
  3. Many elderly folks in China practice tai-chi in the morning.
  4. I work out regularly at a gym, which helps me lose weight.
  5. Individual sports boost our confidence in ourselves.
  6. Individual sports train self-discipline.
  7. Individual sports help us discover our own worth and potential.
  8. Extreme sports can be really adventurous.
  9. I can soak up some Vitamin D when I do outdoor activities.
  1. 慢跑和游泳是很好的健身方式。
  2. 运动给我一种成就感。
  3. 在中国,许多老年人早上打太极拳。
  4. 我定期在健身房锻炼,这有助于我减肥。
  5. 个人运动能增强我们的自信心。
  6. 个人运动训练自律。
  7. 个人运动帮助我们发现自己的价值和潜力。
  8. 极限运动是非常冒险的。
  9. 我做户外活动时可以吸收一些维生素D。


  1. Some sports, like marathon and hurdle race, are too strenuous for average people.
  2. Some sports require months of training.
  3. Jogging every day is too hard on my knees.
  4. It seems sunbathing is not very popular in China.
  1. 有些运动,如马拉松和跨栏比赛,对普通人来说太费力了。
  2. 有些运动需要数月的训练。
  3. 每天慢跑对我的膝盖来说太难了。
  4. 日光浴在中国似乎不太流行。



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