#pragma once #include <UIlib.h> using namespace DuiLib; #ifdef _DEBUG # ifdef _UNICODE # pragma comment(lib, "DuiLib_ud.lib") # else # pragma comment(lib, "DuiLib_d.lib") # endif #else # ifdef _UNICODE # pragma comment(lib, "DuiLib_u.lib") # else # pragma comment(lib, "DuiLib.lib") # endif #endif class CDuiFrameWnd : public CWindowWnd, public INotifyUI { public: virtual LPCTSTR GetWindowClassName() const { return _T("DUIMainFrame"); } virtual void Notify(TNotifyUI& msg) { if (msg.sType == _T("click")) { if (msg.pSender->GetName() == _T("btnHello")) { ::MessageBox(NULL, _T("我是按钮"), _T("点击了按钮"), NULL); } } } virtual LRESULT HandleMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT lRes = 0; if (uMsg == WM_CREATE) { // 方法1 //CControlUI *pWnd = new CButtonUI; //pWnd->SetName(_T("btnHello")); // 控件的唯一标识 //pWnd->SetText(_T("Hello World")); // 设置文字 //pWnd->SetBkColor(0xFF00FF00); // 设置背景色 //m_PaintManager.Init(m_hWnd); //m_PaintManager.AttachDialog(pWnd); //m_PaintManager.AddNotifier(this); // 添加控件响应消息,这样消息就会达到duilib的消息循环 // 方法2 m_PaintManager.Init(m_hWnd); CDialogBuilder builder; CControlUI *pRoot = builder.Create(_T("duilib.xml"), NULL, NULL, &m_PaintManager, NULL); ASSERT(pRoot && "Failed to parse XML"); m_PaintManager.AttachDialog(pRoot); m_PaintManager.AddNotifier(this); return lRes; } // 以下三个消息用于屏蔽系统标题栏 // WM_NCACTIVETE WM_NCCALCSIZE WM_NCPAINT else if (uMsg == WM_NCACTIVATE) { if (!::IsIconic(m_hWnd)) { return (wParam == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } } else if (uMsg == WM_NCCALCSIZE) { return 0; } else if (uMsg == WM_NCPAINT) { return 0; } if (m_PaintManager.MessageHandler(uMsg, wParam, lParam, lRes)) { return lRes; } return __super::HandleMessage(uMsg, wParam, lParam); } protected: CPaintManagerUI m_PaintManager; }; class CDuiXmlFrameWnd : public WindowImplBase { public: // 实现以下三个纯虚函数 virtual LPCTSTR GetWindowClassName()const { return _T("DUIMainFrame"); } virtual CDuiString GetSkinFile(){ return _T("duilib.xml"); } virtual CDuiString GetSkinFolder(){ return _T(""); } // 将事件添加到消息队列 virtual LRESULT HandleMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LRESULT lRes = 0; if (uMsg == WM_CREATE) { // 方法1 //CControlUI *pWnd = new CButtonUI; //pWnd->SetName(_T("btnHello")); // 控件的唯一标识 //pWnd->SetText(_T("Hello World")); // 设置文字 //pWnd->SetBkColor(0xFF00FF00); // 设置背景色 //m_PaintManager.Init(m_hWnd); //m_PaintManager.AttachDialog(pWnd); //m_PaintManager.AddNotifier(this); // 添加控件响应消息,这样消息就会达到duilib的消息循环 // 方法2 m_PaintManager.Init(m_hWnd); CDialogBuilder builder; CControlUI *pRoot = builder.Create(_T("duilib.xml"), NULL, NULL, &m_PaintManager, NULL); ASSERT(pRoot && "Failed to parse XML"); m_PaintManager.AttachDialog(pRoot); m_PaintManager.AddNotifier(this); return lRes; } // 以下三个消息用于屏蔽系统标题栏 // WM_NCACTIVETE WM_NCCALCSIZE WM_NCPAINT else if (uMsg == WM_NCACTIVATE) { if (!::IsIconic(m_hWnd)) { return (wParam == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE; } } else if (uMsg == WM_NCCALCSIZE) { return 0; } else if (uMsg == WM_NCPAINT) { return 0; } if (m_PaintManager.MessageHandler(uMsg, wParam, lParam, lRes)) { return lRes; } return __super::HandleMessage(uMsg, wParam, lParam); } // 实现控件响应事件 virtual void Notify(TNotifyUI& msg) { if (msg.pSender->GetName() == _T("editHello")) { // 获取控件对象方法 CEditUI *pEdit = static_cast<CEditUI *>(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("editHello"))); } // 处理控件响应事件 if (msg.sType == _T("click")) { if (msg.pSender->GetName() == _T("btnHello")) { ::MessageBox(NULL, _T("我是按钮"), _T("点击了按钮"), NULL); // 人为修改控件焦点 CEditUI *pEdit2 = static_cast<CEditUI *>(m_PaintManager.FindControl(_T("editWorld"))); m_PaintManager.SetFocus(pEdit2, TRUE); } } } }; int APIENTRY _tWinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPTSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow) { // 实例句柄与渲染类关联 CPaintManagerUI::SetInstance(hInstance); // 设置资源的默认路径(设置和exe在同一个目录) CPaintManagerUI::SetResourcePath(CPaintManagerUI::GetInstancePath()); /*CDuiFrameWnd duiFrame; duiFrame.Create(NULL, _T("DUIWnd"), UI_WNDSTYLE_FRAME, WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE); duiFrame.CenterWindow(); duiFrame.ShowModal();*/ // 方法2 CDuiXmlFrameWnd duixmlFrame; duixmlFrame.Create(NULL, _T("DuiWnd"), UI_WNDSTYLE_FRAME, WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE); duixmlFrame.CenterWindow(); duixmlFrame.ShowModal(); return 0; }
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