Consider an infinite full binary search tree (see the figure below), the numbers in the nodes are 1, 2, 3, …. In a subtree whose root node is X, we can get the minimum number in this subtree by repeating going down the left node until the last level, and we can also find the maximum number by going down the right node. Now you are given some queries as “What are the minimum and maximum numbers in the subtree whose root node is X?” Please try to find answers for there queries.
In the input, the first line contains an integer N, which represents the number of queries. In the next N lines, each contains a number representing a subtree with root number X (1 <= X <= 2 31 – 1).
There are N lines in total, the i-th of which contains the answer for the i-th query.
Sample Input
Sample Output
1 15
9 11
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int T, x;
scanf("%d", &T);
while (T--)
scanf("%d", &x);
printf("%d %d\n", x-(x&(-x))+1, x+(x&(-x))-1);
return 0;
闫学灿acwing_分组背包问题有 N 种物品和一个容量是 V 的背包。物品一共有三类:第一类物品只能用1次(01背包);第二类物品可以用无限次(完全背包);第三类物品最多只能用 si 次(多重背包);每种体积是 vi,价值是 wi。求解将哪些物品装入背包,可使物品体积总和不超过背包容量,且价值总和最大。输出最大价值。输入格式第一行两个整数,N,V,用空格隔开,分别表示物品种数和背包容积。接下来有 N 行,每行三个整数 vi,wi,si,用空格隔开,分别表示第 i 种物品的体积、价值和数量。si=−1 表示第 i 种
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